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"Ready for pre match?" Olivier asked when he saw Willo stumble over. Pre match was always the most fun. At least for Olivier it was.

"Not yet." Willo grumbled and poured some tea into two thermoses.

"There." He said and chucked one to Olivier.

"Let's go then." Willo said and pushed his brother out the door.

"Ay! I'm still recovering!" Olivier shouted and stood sternly in the doorway.

"Oh are you now? Because yesterday you sure as hell weren't." Willo rolled his eyes and ducked through his arm to go outside. Olivier just grumbled and followed Willo into his car.

"Saliba!" Kai shouted and both turned around before glaring at him. Kai did that a lot when they were next to each other, mostly to annoy them. The brothers didn't like it one bit but Kai always amused himself. They just rolled their eyes as he tried to control his own laughter.

The brothers left each other in the gym which was Olivier's final destination. He saw his crew over by the ellipticasl and ran up behind Leah.

"Guess who!" He yelled but his accent gave it away.

"Olivier! You're back too!" Leah yelled and turned around. She was almost fully done with her recovery by now, just warming up with her friends in the gym. Jurrien had gotten there a couple minutes ago to ruin the surprise. The ACL crew tried to get there as early as possible to see who could win. Olivier hardly did though, as he stuck to his schedule.

"Man am I glad to be back." Olivier chuckled and Jurrien put a hand to his heart.

"What? Was a warm vacation with me not just the way you dreamed?" Jurrien tried to look offended.

"No, because I have never dreamed of that." Olivier rolled his eyes. The girls all laughed at his valid answer.

"Yeah, I'd be concerned. You're, what, ten years older than him?" Laura asked and Leah high fived her as they doubled over laughing.

"Seven! Bitch." Jurrien mumbled the second part and the girls only laughed more along with Olivier this time.

"And you are ten! Leah you're eleven, and Mav, even you're four!" Jurrien argued but nobody really cared to listen.

"If no one wants to listen, I'll just go find Simon and recover before any of you can even count to ten." Jurrien argued and left to do as he said.

That caught the four's attention as they shut up and looked each other in the eyes. Olivier and Laura's eyes grew wide as they scrambled to finish their stretches and find their physios.

"Gary! Can I go running again?" Olivier asked immediately and Gary only chuckled.

"What? I was really tired last time and still need to build endurance!" Olivier gave evidence towards his point. Gary took a deep breath calmly and it upset Olivier.

"You will run. Just take some time to finish your workouts first please." Gary gave in and Olivier smiled and nodded. He began doing his reps and talking with all the others. The physios were also chatting before they split off again.

"So. I'm thinking of going somewhere. How would that work with my PT?" Olivier asked and Gary raised an eyebrow.

"Where are you headed? An early holiday?" Gary asked and Olivier let out a dry, humorless laugh.

"Not quite. My sister is sick. I need to see her before it's too late." Olivier admitted. No matter if Willo said she was coming late February, he wanted to make sure that he saw her before she left.

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