08 | rumours

22 1 0

"They're going to extend your contract!" Aaron high fived him. Aaron's was recently extended, but he still didn't know how to feel about it. Olivier felt the same way, but under different circumstances.

"Oh really?" Olivier asked and glanced over at Martin subliminally. Martin was usually the one to share gossip. He was like a parlor girl.

"Did you hear from Martin?" He asked and Aaron nodded.

"Who else?" Aaron rolled his eyes and they walked out onto the pitch. Mikel wanted a bit of a meeting with them before so they held it in the cold once everyone was changed and out.

"Everyone! You know how I hate PGMOL, but as you know, I've now got a touchline ban." Mikel said dramatically. He seemed annoyed as they had been frustrating him all season.

"But, this cannot affect us. Aston Villa are a top team and we cannot take any chances. They have just beat Manchester City on Wednesday by the same margins we did. We need to prove we are better." Mikel said and pointed around at everyone one of them.

"So today we have to specifically train to beat them. They are a midfield machine so we need to be prepared." Mikel finished.

"We're starting with a warmup which we have set up here. Now I don't think I need to explain myself again, we've done this before." Nico said and pointed over at the poles standing from the ground.

The team nodded and sorted themselves into a line to run through it. They began running through the piles without much effort.

"What are you doing?" Mikel yelled when everyone was running through sloppy.

"Did I not just mention how good they are? Go again but without the pole contact!" Mikel announced. It would seem impossible for most people as the poles were very close together, but a lot of them did it. David and Cedric being the only ones unable.

"Both of you. Stop what you're doing and give us twenty sprints." Albert told them and monitored them as everyone else continued.

This only lasted for about ten minutes until they were focusing on passing instead. Olivier didn't like passing despite his skill, but he got it over with as the coaches were stressing its importance.

Olivier, Martin, Declan, Leondro, and Martinelli were in the first group together for a keep away drill. Olivier loved these; especially when Martin was on his team, which he was. Martin, Olivier, and Leandro were against the other three who were in the center.

"Ici! Ici!" Olivier was shouting stress French again. His teammates were laughing at him until they passed to him. He did an effortless rainbow flick to Leandro whilst flipping all of them off. He loved rainbow flicks, as it was the first skill he successfully mastered.

"Willo does it more than me." He argued and Willo yelled at him from the outside where everyone else was observing.

"I do not!" Willo crossed his arms and Olivier scoffed. 

"Here!" Olivier yelled and got the ball at his feet.

"Lying looks bad on you." He said back as he passed it off him after luring Martinelli to him. 

"That's enough, we're switching teams." Mikel said after seeing how one sided it was.

"Outside is Eddie, Declan, Reiss, and Willo. Inside is Olivier, B, and Leo. Same rules, when inside gets it, I'm in." Mikel announced to which everyone understood. Olivier fist bumped B and Leo.

"Inside!" He cheered and they started. Outside had a little bit of fun with the inside until Olivier saw his chance and took it. He stole the ball from Willo and just as they were processing what just happened, inside took the outside with Mikel on their side.

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