2. Liar

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TW: Abuse, Mentions of abuse

George didn't even hesitate to step in the portal. He figured that if they could do it, so could he.

He emerged from the other side into a cozy-looking hotel style room. There was a door in the front, two pots on the sides, and pictures hanging on the walls, of landscapes he didn't recognize. He wouldn't have known one was of a sunset, a few days ago. He was colorblind until that spider-thing bit him.

He'd never had arachnophobia, but that spider freaked him out.

He turned to the lime green one expectantly. Their outfit (That he'd mistaken for a cosplay) was white with lime green webs running along its whole. On their chest was a silver spider, and their face was covered with a mask with those webs on the front and white eyes embroidered black. They had a belt with several small circles on them all the way along its side.

The other one was essentially the opposite. It was solid black, pink lined webs running along its sides and front, an obsidian spider on their chest. They had a belt as well, though it was ornamented with daggers that gleamed, all at different lengths. This one had no mask, but had long pink hair braided together, a crown, and red eyes. Out of his mouth stuck two tusks, glistening in the light and curved to point at their face, centimeters away from their cheeks. One had a golden ring on it.

"...What?" The green one asked.

"He wants your name. He gave you yours and now he'd like the favor to be returned," the pink one said.

"...Oh. Um, It's Dream, He/him."

George's gaze flicked to the other.

"Techno, He/him," he said with a slight nod.

Just then, the door opened. George slid into a defensive posture, hand close to Techno's belt, ready to grab a dagger.

He calmly stared at someone with pink hair (Was this common for spider people?) who was wearing a casual black shirt with blue jeans. They had their hair up in a bun except for two strands which looped under her ears. They wore glasses and held a clipboard.

Dream softly reached over and lowered his hand. "You can trust her."

She raised an eyebrow. "My name is Niki. I'm going to help you train, get your outfit, make a web, so on. But first we need to figure out your abilities. In order to do that, you'll have to go through a simulation that will be... intrusive. But I assure you, you will return unharmed."

George nodded. "Let's do it then."

Niki hesitated. "You don't want to mentally prepare yourself?"

George prevented his urge to snort. I'm always ready. He just smiled. "No."

Techno cracked his knucles. "I'm goin' now. Dream, keep following George like a lost puppy." Without another word he strode out.

Despite his mask, George could sense Dream's eye-roll. "I'm supposed to follow you anyways in case something bad happens."

George smiled a bit. Isn't that Niki's job? But he didn't care much about whether or not Dream followed him. If Dream had ill intentions towards him, he would've known.

Niki led them down a hallway into a room. The room had a big metal board in front of it filled with buttons, levers, switches, and lights. A big glass pane was in front, displaying a big metal room.

"I'm guessing I go in there?" George asked. Niki nodded. "Whenever you're-"

George shut the door to the room.

Niki raised her eyebrows, then turned a switch.

Darkness filled the room.




The darkness instantly receded, revealing a peaceful house. His mother looked over him, quite worried.

"Oh, I thought you'd passed out, George!"

George wasn't himself. He was... ...younger...

His mother wrapped her arms around George. "I'm sorry he got you, George," She whispered.

George immidiately stiffened. Oh god. No. No, anything but this. No.

Memories of his Father seeped into his mind. He gripped his mother's sweater, fists curling. He was going to enter any second no-

The door opened, and a painfully familiar voice barked: "WHY ARE YOU HERE? DID I TELL YOU YOU COULD BE HERE, LAUREL?"

He was always bark, no bite. Until today.

He wasn't even drunk. He genuinely enjoyed beating the fuck out of his wife.

He wasn't going to do this. No, no, no. No. Once was enough. He wouldn't play along.

He winced as his father seized his mom. There was a second of silence.

Then his dad threw a punch to his mother's face.




George felt rage seep into his child frame. He never got scared, not like others did.

He got murderous.

He wanted to, but he couldn't prevent himself from walking to the the kitchen, hyperaware of the yelps of pain coming from the living room. He reached for the stool, and for a moment, remembered memories of family, of love. Days spent kneading bread with his mother, standing on this stool, as she ruffled his hair.

A faint whisper in his ear, as much as a phantom as his soul, said: "You're doing great, bud."  It was his mother's voice. He faintly remembered them cutting and spreading butter on bread. He reached up, fingers closing around the knife. "Keep your hand steady; we wouldn't want you hurting yourself, would we now, bud?" Such an innocent sentence, urging a murderer to kill. Silently, he stepped behind his father. "Don't worry! You'll do great. You've done this hundreds of times before." He raised the knife, inches from the back of his fathers neck. "Remember, even if you mess up, know I'll love you." 

The knife swung down, red spraying everywhere. Too late, he'd realized what he'd done. Too late, he knew this was wrong.

His mother stared up at the 7-year old boy, quaking in fear.

"You.. you monster... You've killed him..."

He hated this part, he wanted to run, hide, get away from himself. He couldn't stop it, though.

A slight smile haunted his face. "'Remember,'" He quoted, "'Even if you mess up, know I'll love you.'"

His mother stared at him, drenched in her once-lover's blood.

"You lied, didn't you, mum?" he whispered, pressing the knife to her throat, far too calm for a child who'd just killed someone.

"You know what happens to liars, mum, right?"

Her eyes widened.

"'Liars must be punished.'" The knife cut her throat. He smiled at her dying eyes.

"'How else will they learn?'"




Sorry not sorry.

Vote if you want ig ~(^u^)~

Have a nice day!

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