who and what am I...?

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Dark.... It's dark.... All I can see around me is black... Like an empty void....

"Where am I?" I asked out loud as my voice echoed though the abyss. No response...

I looked around the empty space and I didn't know what it was but something was glowing in the distance.

I tried to position myself so I can get to whatever it was, but it was no use due to the lack of gravity.

After a bit of struggling, I managed to position myself so I can drift towards the light in the distance.

When I got close enough to the light, I started to feel it pull me towards it. It was a portal!

Suddenly I got lunched out of the sky and as fast as I was through the portal, I hit the ground faster but I wasn't dead?

I looked at my cuts on my pale skin as they healed faster than a super human.

"Whoa" I said amazed at my quick healing. I looked around my new surroundings curiously.

I was in the middle of the forest. Tall and thick pine trees all around me. I took a step forward and stepped In a puddle of water.

As I looked into the puddle I realized... I don't look human. My hair was short fluffy and was the color purple with some dark blue, my eyes were also purple with a six pointed star as my pupils, I had fox ears and a tail that matched my hair color, a pair of light purple wings and two little black stubs as horns.

Along with my inhuman appearance my clothes were ripped and dirty, like I just escaped a fire with bare feet, fox feet.

"Who am I...?" I muttered to myself. "And what am I...?" I added to my question.

Suddenly my ears point up when I heard two voices that sound like two teenagers and I turn around to look at said teenagers as they stare at me.

"Uh... Meow...?" I said questioningly as my ears fold back nervously. "WHAT THE--"

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