Penelope held his gaze, unable to look away.

"You must be pleased. You've already managed to turn him against me."

Eloise's pained tone snapped Penelope out of her daze, her heart squeezing with empathy. "Please, Eloise. It's nothing like that. If we could just speak alone, I could explain to you-"

"Absolutely not," Eloise interjected.

"I agree with El. It's a terrible idea. I doubt the two of you can manage a civilized conversation," Colin said in a highhanded tone, sounding much like Anthony.

"Stay out of it, Colin!" Penelope rebuked.

Eloise expressed a similar reaction. "You can not order me about. If I want to speak, I will!"

Spotting the fleeting twinkle in Colin's eyes, it dawned on Penelope he had goaded Eloise on purpose; this outcome was exactly what he wanted. "Fine, then. I will be right outside the door. Hope you ladies can behave yourselves." Concluding his impression of Anthony, he walked away.

They remained in place, silently eyeing each other. Seconds later, the door shut with a loud thud.

"I will not let you hurt my brother!" Eloise threatened. "If you think you can seduce Colin into marrying you, you're wrong. It will not happen."

"That is not what I want, Eloise! He..." Penelope swallowed the lump in her throat. "What you saw between us... I know it was wrong, I should have stopped him but I've loved him for so long and-"

"Love?" Eloise laughed mockingly. "You don't even know what that is!"

"I love you, more than I love my own sisters. I miss you."

"I do not believe you. You're a liar!"

"I'm sorry that I hurt you, but you must know I had no choice. If I hadn't published those things the Queen would have come after you!"

Eloise shook her head. "Nothing you say can excuse what you've done. You're a liar and a deceiver, that's all you're capable of." Her eyes blazed with fury. "I haven't revealed the truth about you out of respect for your family, they don't deserve to suffer for your actions. But I will tell the Queen myself if you don't stay away from mine. Then the whole world, and Colin, will know who you truly are!"

Penelope studied her friend, desperate to spot some form of sadness or yearning for their years long friendship. Something. Anything. But there was none, only contempt. And it finally dawned on her that their friendship had truly ended. With that realization came a swift flood of anger. "Then do it. Tell the Queen, tell everyone. Destroy me." She approached Eloise with a slow, determined gait. "But realize that I'm not the only one you'll be destroying. Lady Whistledown is a business. A successful, thriving one that benefits not only me but many of the working class. I employ servants, delivery boys, printing presses, coachmen. Even your friend Theo Sharpe. The extra money they earn allows them the freedom to pursue their dreams, to better their family's lives. And you will be ending all of that." Standing in front of Eloise, Penelope stared up at the other woman. Her gaze was direct, her voice cold. "So go ahead Eloise, do what you must. But do not be surprised when there are consequences to the choice you make. Word will eventually spread that it was you who dismantled their source of income, and they will not be happy."

"Are you threatening me?" Eyebrow raised, Eloise stared down at Penelope with condescension. "You do take after your mother."

Penelope sent her a stiff smile. "You would do well to remember that."

Eloise turned around and stormed out, leaving her alone in the library again. Her brave face dissipated instantly. Feeling sick, she clutched her stomach and closed her eyes. She took deep breaths to calm herself, her heart broken. Despite telling herself for months their friendship was over, she still harbored hope that she and Eloise would reconcile one day. But seeing the disdain Eloise held for her now, Penelope realized their friendship was irrevocably broken.

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