Chapter Two

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The roar of engines filled the air as Jaylee raced through the crowded weekend streets of Crestwood, her heart pounding in her chest as she searched for her elusive target, the so called 'D', but Jaylee was determined to catch him this time, no matter the cost.

After cruising for about 45 minutes, she was going down Parker Avenue, and she saw a male on a motorcycle, wearing a leather jacket with an angry looking scull on the back.

'We've got out man' Jaylee thought. 'Now it's time to chase him, maybe he will know I'm after him' She started to go faster, swerving through traffic. She got beside him less than 5 minutes later, only for him to turn his head and start a chase. They spent 10 minutes swerving in and out of traffic, while she chased him. He soon sped up and turned a corner into a dark road. As she rounded a corner and spotted him leaning against his motorcycle in what actually was a dimly lit alleyway, a rush of adrenaline surged through her veins. With her gun drawn and her senses on high alert, she slowly got off her motorcycle and approached him slowly and cautiously, her every movement calculated and precise.

"Thought you could hide, you little shit," she spat, her voice cool but full of venom.

'D' chuckled softly, his gaze meeting hers with a mixture of amusement and defiance. "Didn't know your little fruity gang had females with good style and pretty voices," he sneered, lifting his helmet to reveal his familiar features.

And in that moment, as Jaylee stared into the eyes of the one person who she had ever truly felt a different kind of spark with, the one and only Dominic Lucini. She felt a wave of several emotions wash over her. She froze up and dropped her gun, only to quickly pick it up and straighten her posture.

"Pretty hot, don't you think?" Dominic smirked, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

Jaylee's grip tightened on her gun, her mind going absolutely crazy with conflicting emotions swirling within her. She then mustered up the courage to say something.

"Dominic Lucini..." She said scared yet confidently, as she too, took her helmet off. "Never thought we would meet again." with everything temporarily going quiet as Dominic had a heavy look of surprise plastered on his face.

The silence stayed in the air between them as Jaylee and Dominic faced off in the dimly lit alleyway, their gazes locked in a silent battle of wills.

"Oh, you know you wanted to see me again at some point" Dominic finally spoke up, no longer having a surprised look. "We both know I've always been better than you, anyways"

"Bitchy as always, I see," sneered Jaylee. "At least have an ego break and stop being retarded for one second of your life!" Which caused Dominic to smirk and roll his eyes.

"Calling me a retard is like calling yourself stable," He shot right back "Its not a thing, hun. And besides, with me being bitchy with a high ego, must make me pretty damn fine looking"

Jaylee's jaw clenched as she fought to maintain her composure and keep a straight face in the face of Dominic's taunts and stupidity. "Oh, Don't flatter yourself," she snorted, revulsion heavy on her voice. "I've seen way better, anyways."

Dominic chuckled, the sound sending shivers down Jaylee's spine. "Is that so? Well, lucky for you, you're looking at the best," he replied, his smirk widening as he checked out the entirety of Jaylee.

Rolling her eyes, Jaylee resisted the urge to roll them again. "Please, spare me the ego trip," she shot back, her tone laced with sarcasm. "I've had enough of your bullshit for multiple lifetimes."

Dominic's smirk faltered for a moment, replaced by a flicker of something unreadable in his eyes. "Ah, but where would you be without me, Jaylee?" he countered, his voice low and dangerous. "I seem to recall a certain someone who couldn't get enough of my attention back in the day."

Jaylee bristled at the mention of their past, her grip tightening on her gun as she fought to keep her emotions in check. "You're delusional if you think I ever needed your attention," she snapped, her voice sharp with anger. "I was doing just fine without you."

Dominic's eyes narrowed, a glimmer of amusement dancing in their depths. "Is that so?" he mused, taking a step closer to Jaylee. "Well, lucky for you, I'm feeling generous today. I'll let you bask in the glory of my presence for a little while longer."

Jaylee's heart pounded in her chest as Dominic closed the distance between them, his gaze locked on hers with an intensity that made her skin prickle with awareness. She felt a rush of adrenaline coursing through her veins as he reached out to brush a stray lock of hair from her face, his touch sending a jolt of electricity through her.

"You know, for all you seem to stand for, you're actually quite pretty when you're angry," Dominic remarked, his voice low and husky.

Jaylee's breath caught in her throat as she stared up at him, her mind reeling with a dizzying mix of emotions. For a brief moment, she was completely caught off guard, her defenses crumbling in the face of Dominic's unexpected compliment.

But before she could gather her wits, Dominic quickly stepped back, his smirk returning in full force. "Well, it's been fun, sweetheart, but I've got places to be," he said casually, turning to leave.

Jaylee's heart sank as she watched Dominic walk away, a sense of frustration and disappointment gnawing at her insides, the feeling of failure slowly setting in. But as he reached the mouth of the alleyway, she knew she couldn't let him get away that easily.

Summoning every ounce of determination within her, Jaylee sprang into action, her hand darting out to grab Dominic's shoulder in a desperate attempt to stop him. "Wait a damn minute," she said, her voice tinged with desperation as she fumbled for the small microphone hidden in her pocket.

But before she could attach it to Dominic's jacket, he was already turning back to her with a mocking grin, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Nice try, sweetheart," he taunted, his voice dripping with condescension as he plucked the microphone from her grasp and tossed it against the alley wall with a careless flick of his wrist. "See you next time, pretty girl."

Jaylee's heart sank as she watched the device shatter against the concrete, her mind racing with frustration and disappointment. She had underestimated Dominic, and now he was slipping through her fingers, like the old days.

As Dominic disappeared into the night; his motorcycle revving up and then dashing off, Jaylee was left standing alone in the alleyway, her heart heavy with defeat. But despite the setback, she knew that she couldn't give up now. She would find another way to help uncover the truth behind the Skulls' plans, especially now since it meant facing Dominic Lucini.

She didn't quite expect to see him again, especially under these circumstances. She didn't know that we would ever join anything like this, but what could she say, she did the same like this. She then got on her motorcycle and headed back home, full of disappointment. She didn't want to go down as a failure, but alas, that feeling stuck there like nobody's business.

Jaylee took a long route back toward Lindsey's house. She sat outside and breathed for a moment before getting up and slowly walking to the door. She took a deep breath and opened the door to see Lindsey and her father giving her anticipated looks, only to drop to looks of sadness when they saw her face.

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