Seeing Red

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Inside a Yurt, a father and his son resided. The tall man stirred a spoon in a huge pot, carefully moving the mixture in a swirling locomotion. A small child walks up to his father, interest gleaming in his beady blue eyes, "Аав аа, what is this you're making? It doesn't smell like tea..." 

The father glances lazily at his son, a small smile locked on his stern features, "This, my child, is a special mixture called Airag. I'm surprised your brothers haven't already introduced you to it; since they love being drunk and all..."

Hopping in thrilled elation, the juvenile kid was almost near sinking his face in to partake in a sip. His father uses his index finger and nudges him away by his forehead, "Ah ah ah, I'm not done and it needs to cool off... Besides... you're too young to be consuming this..."

"But Dad! I want a taste! How come my older brothers get the privileges that I don't?"

 "Your world views are still immature to fathom the truth of our resolution. You'll understand when you grow an age..." His caretaker calmly reasons to subdue his mini tantrum. Sadness washed over his look when he saw the depressed expression of his son. He gives in submission and scoops a ladle full of fermented milk, blowing the steam away, he offers it to his son, "If your mother finds out about this, then I'm a dead man... let's keep it to ourselves, you and I~" 

Happiness stirs in his heart, hopping in excitement at his father's approval he reaches his hands out for grabby hands, "Give me!" With a tip of a spoon, the strong taste of bitterness washes his mouth. Face scrunching up from such a strong flavor, his dad deeply chuckles from his reaction, "So, how is it?" 

His body shivers, nevertheless, he recovers quickly for a second sip, "It's amazing! More please!" He grabs the spoon from his hand and finishes it quickly. His dad was impressed by how accustomed he become, it reminded him of how he was during his youth, "Haha, you must really take after my genes. I sure hope you don't get too addicted to it." He continues to take spoonfuls from the cauldron, his father brought about a shiny silver bowl, "Let's not drink directly from a pot, here, I'll fill you up a glass. Just make sure to leave some for your brothers~"

He shows a bright smile to the smaller kid, a cheerful expression he cherished dearly. "I promise!"


"God... My body feels like it's about to implode..." Mongolia mutters in a tiresome manner. He could barely remember what happened last night, everything felt too surreal at that moment. To alleviate his aching head he massages his temple. "How much did I drink last night?" Trying to recall his yesterday's consumption, he deduces that he at least drank more than 4 bottles.

What cruelly troubled him was the idea of his drunken state taking actions instead of his conscious mind. "Хараал ид!" Dropping his fist hard on the bed, he lets his frustration out. "Mongolia, you're awake!" Seeing a familiar cheery face calms him down, Russia hopes Mongolia is out of his high and acting normally. "Morning, Russia, did you sleep alright?" 

He contemplates in his head if he should tell him how weirdly he was behaving before, but decides to spare him the embarrassment. "Yeah, the bed was comfortable..." Mongolia smiles with satisfaction and ruffles his hair afterward. "What time is it now?"

"I don't know, around 8 and 9... I think..." 

Mongolia has a few seconds of thought before speaking, "Okay, we're going to go wake Korea and Japan up, and then we're leaving. I'm not letting anything stall us today," Putting his boots back on, he goes to fix his posture in the table mirror. "Oh my, I look horrible..." His Deel was drooping to the point of unbuttoning, his hair was also a mess. 

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