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I stared down at Jia in utter horror. What did I expect from her? Of course, she has friends with the same mental issues as her.

I saw Janvi scoff as she flipped her hair, "No wonder she asked me to stay away from you. You are nothing but a rude asshole."

Poking in the inside of my cheek I felt my hand twitch in anger, I turned to look at Jia who was too busy grinning at her best friend to notice my angry eyes boring into her.

Lifting her eyebrow she asked Janvi with that cheeky smile," Did I just hear you curse my honeyboo? Have I started rubbing off on you or is this the magic of Viraj Uday Singh?" She continued now facing me," That he managed to make the nicest girl on the planet AKA my best friend whom I have witnessed using foul language, like maybe FIVE times in the nine years I have known her, call him an ASSHOLE!?"

I shook my head and mumbled, not really trying to be inaudible," No wonder birds of a feather flock together. Jia, what did I expect? A maniac getting a normal friend? Bullshit. Of course, she had to be a maniac too."

Giving me an offended look Jia stepped forward slightly pushing her friend away as if trying to protect her from me. Lifting her chin she looked at me with angry eyes," Listen here you piece of shit. You might be treated as a king somewhere else but this is MY house so don't dare call my best friend a maniac. She is NEVER rude to people. You must have been extremely disrespectful to her if she reacted like.....this."

Suddenly her voice trailed off as I noticed her eyes being distracted by something behind me. I turned my head to see Devansh making his way towards me.

My head whipped back to look at Jia and I raised my eyebrow as an amused smirk made it to my face. Is THE Jia Hooda checking out MY best friend?

Slightly glancing at the girls, one idiot who was too busy staring at him and the other too busy glaring at me, Devansh turned to look at me.

"Viraj, Anil uncle is asking for you." I saw him spare one last glance towards Jia, clearly uncomfortable under her stare, then turned around while waving at me," I will be by the bar. DON'T feel free to bother me if you need me."

Before Jia could open her mouth to continue her rant I shoved her aside and inched closer to Janvi with a warning tone," We are not done here."

Giving me a small smirk Janvi grabbed Jia's hand and slightly tilted her head," Actually, we are done here. I am not talking to you ever again."

She dragged Jia away despite her protests to punch me.

Letting out a scoff I shook my head. Glancing down at my tuxedo I let out an exhausted sigh. Thank goodness the drink was spilt only on the coat, so I could remove it and move around in my white shirt.

After looking around for a few minutes I spotted Anil uncle talking and laughing with my dad. Noticing me he waved me down, returning him a small smile I made my way towards them.

"What happened to your coat?" My dad questioned me slightly glancing at my coat wrapped in my one arm.

Sighing I shook my head," Long story. An idiot spilt some champagne on it."

Anil uncle slightly grabbed my arm and pulled me towards a group of people. He introduced me to them and it turned out they were our potential VIP clients and were very interested in our new collection. Maybe Dad asked Uncle to set me up with them.

After talking to them for about fifteen minutes I excused myself and returned to my dad and uncle. Seeing me approach them, my dad placed a hand on my back slightly patting it.

"You did a good job, Viraj."

Giving him a small smile I nodded my head in gratitude.

"By the way. Who are you dancing with later on?" My dad asked with a teasing smile on his face.

Furrowing my eyebrows I glanced between my uncle and then back at my dad," Dance? What dance?"

Chucking a little Anil uncle shook his head," Did no one tell you? We will be having a ball in a few minutes?"

My eyes widened in confusion," Ball? Where are we? Nineteenth-century England? Uncle, what the hell?"

"Viraj!" My dad called me out in a warning tone.

Shushing him Anil uncle turned to look at me with an awkward smile," You see my misses Hooda was kind of mad at me yesterday and she loves things like these so I spontaneously organized the dance. I guess no one told you about it. It's fine if you don't want to, no one is forcing you. But this old man would love it if you could accompany him on the stage."

"But uncle you know how I HATE being around girls-" I stopped mid-sentence when a certain someone caught my eye. A mischievous smirk made it to my face as I turned back to look at Anil uncle, "Actually. I will be there. I will just go ask someone for a dance, you can expect me on the dance floor in time."

"Perfect!" Joyfully Uncle patted my shoulder.

"Now if you excuse me," getting away from them I took quick strides as I made my way towards the person.

Slightly tapping her shoulder I tried to grab her attention.

"Yes?" she turned around with a smile on her face, but the smile dropped the moment she noticed my presence.

Getting annoyed she furrowed her eyebrows, "What do you want now?"

Giving her a cheeky smile I lifted my eyebrows in amusement," Nothing. I just wanted to ask you if you would do me the honour of having a dance with me?"


"Well Anil uncle wanted me to take care of you tonight and I am doing that exactly. Since you know no one here, he asked me to ask you for a dance."

Yeah, I know he said no such thing. I lied. So what?

I saw Janvi's eyes dilating in confusion. She clearly did not want to decline Uncle's request but she didn't want to dance with me either.

I tried to extend my hand to hold her's, but was stopped mid-way as I felt a hand grip my wrist.

"What do you think you are doing?"  

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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