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She can't be serious. She is not serious. There is no way this is real. I did not drink on the plane did I? I am sure I am hallucinating. I am positive I am not best friends with a maniac. I think that is someone else. I will just look around maybe she is somewhere else and this is just a doppelganger-

"JANVI DESHMUKH!!! HERE MY HONEYBOO!!!" Her loud voice echoed in the entire pickup area of Indra Gandhi International Airport.

Heads turn to look at the commotion. And after looking at her everyone was looking at ME.

Please kill me, god.

I sprinted towards the walking epitome of chaos standing in front of her car with huge welcome banners that her helpers were holding up for me.

Even a blind person could read the weird stuff she had written on them. No matter how hard I tried all I could see was the huge banner with the words " JANVI MERI JAAN WELCOME TO MY STHAAN!" in huge bold letters. 

I internally cringed at it thinking it did not even make any sense. Well her entire exitance didn't.

As I approached her, she rushed towards me and crushed me into a tight warm hug," I missed you so much!!!"

Trying to push her off me slightly I hissed at her " Have you lost your mind?!! Why did you get an entire BARAT to the airport?!"

"Because the love of my life is FINALLY in my city?" She said while raising an eyebrow as if this was the most normal thing to do on the planet.

"Girl!" I looked at her in disbelief, but then just let out a tired sigh," Just get in the car."

After finally settling into her car after paying all the people she hired to welcome me, my best friend for 9 years turned to look at me.

Jia Hooda, the only daughter of one of the top business tycoons in entire Delhi. At first glance, most people think she is just a rich spoilt brat who lives off her father's money. Even I thought that. But as I got to know her more, I grew to love her. And now we have been best friends for nine years.

Even though in the last nine years we barely got to meet each other only a few times a year, whenever she visited her nani in Maharashtra. Her nani and I have been neighbours for nearly ten years, that's how we became friends.

But after so many years of long-distance friendship, we finally get to LIVE TOGETHER. I just got selected in one of the top fashion colleges in the entire nation. NIFT Delhi has been my dream college since I was 12, when realized that I wanted to major in fashion studies.

Jia on the other hand is an engineering major, who got selected at IIT Delhi. Even though we have different colleges, they are barely 10 minutes away from each other. So thanks to her father who bought her an apartment near our colleges, we can live together for our entire college time. Something I am VERY excited about.

She started the engine of her sports car which made a lot of noise, AGAIN attracting a lot of attention. I rolled my eyes and turned to look at her, "You do this intentionally don't you?"

Giving me a huge silly grin, she shrugged her shoulders," I mean... how is it my problem if people love staring at me?"

Chucking I shook my head and asked her," How have you been?"

I saw her eyes softening and her lips twist into a small smile," I am just glad I am out of my family house now. You tell me excited to be a future fashion designer?" she asked me while wiggling her eyebrows, that stupid grin back to her face.

Slightly blushing I shoved her shoulder," Shut up! You don't know for sure how well I will do in college. This is just the first step."

"Hey, Miss Deshmukh! We have been friends for so long, you must know me well enough by now that I do not befriend idiots. I know as a matter of fact that you are going to become as big as Manish Malhotra one day. You better not charge me lakhs for my wedding lehnga or imma have your head."

Bursting out into laughter I leaned my head against the headrest and looked out of the window as Jia's car sped through the busy streets.

Clearing her throat Jia slightly turned to me while her eyes were still on the road," Um... I did not tell you this, did I? We need to attend an event tonight."

Turning my head to her I raised an eyebrow," Which event?"

Both her eyebrows shot up in surprise," I really did not tell you? It's my dad's birthday today. As usual, there will be a huge party at the mansion."

"And let me guess. His rich business friends and their kids would be there and you don't want to go alone, that's why you insisted I rushed to Delhi as early as possible?"

Giving me a sheepish smile she tried to avoid eye contact," Ha.. Ha.. did I?"

Sighing I pointed out, "I don't have any formal clothes with me."

Slightly waving her hand she said," Oh don't worry about that, I got you."

"You know I would never fit in your clothes right? You are like 3 inches taller than me and we have very different body structures."

"No, my love. I bought you clothes, I know your measurements don't worry about it."


"By the way, please keep your distance from the brats that would be present at the event."


"They are rude as hell. Just stick to me and there is ONE that you better stay MILES away from."


"Viraj Uday Singh. Dude is rude AND terrifying, so it's better to stay away."

Blinking my eyes I looked at her. If this woman finds someone terrifying then he really must be VERY scary. But Viraj Uday Singh.... He sounds so expensive.


 JANVI MERI JAAN WELCOME TO MY STHAAN- Janvi my life welcome to my place

Barat- Procession

Nani- maternal Grandma

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