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Jazmine: Hello everyone!

All: Hey!

Summer: We got a dare!

Jazmine: Tel-

Summer: You have to go on this one.

Jazmine: Okay. *leaves*

Molly: Why did you tell her to leave?

Summer: It's a surprise for her.

Shadow: Alright tell us.

Summer: Okay. Wait where's Optimus?

Prowl: In his room.

Summer: Can you please get him.

Prowl: *nods and leaves*

- Three minutes later-

Prowl walks in with Optimus.

Prowl: Got him.

Optimus: We have a dare do we?

All: Yep.

Summer: This dare is from her cousin makenzie0817. It says I dare optimus to get Jazmin a cyber puppy.

Optimus: *leaves*

Molly: Uh.

Shadow: He didn't say nothing. He just walked away.

Bee and Sari: What's a Cyberpuppy?

Prowl: A cyberpuppy is a puppy that's a robot.

Ultra: Huh. I thought they all got wiped out years ago?

All: *shrugs*

Molly: How did they got wiped out?

Ultra: They're planet got destroyed.

All: Scrap.

// One hour later//

Jazmine: Where's Optimus?

All: *shrugs*

Knocking on the door

Jazmine: I'll get it! *runs to the door*

Jazmine open the door and smiled.

Jazmine: Op, Where were you?

Optimus: I was out doing things. *kisses Jazmine on the cheek*

Jazmine: *closes the door and giggles*

Molly: Dude. You didn't say anything after you left.

Sari: Yeah!

Optimus: I was doing somethings I needed to do.

All: Oh.

Optimus: Everyone go to the living room.

Everyone goes to the living room.

Jazmine: What's going on?

All: We have no clue.

Optimus: Jazmine.

Jazmine: Yes Op?

Optimus: I have a surprise for you. *hands jazmine a big box*

Jazmine: *opens the box* You didn't!

Optimus: I did. *chuckles*

Jazmine: *picks up the pup* She's so adorable! I'll name her Electro.

All: *surprised*

Jazmine: Thank you Op. *kisses Op on the lips*

Optimus: *kisses back*

Sari: But how?

Jazmine: But how what?

Ultra: I thought there species got wiped out?

Optimus: Let's just say I got a little help from Kenzie.

Jazmine: *smiles* She has her moments.

Sari: How did your c-

Jazmine: My cousin is part Cyberwolf.

All: Oh.

Jazmine: *laughs*

Bee: What's so funny.

Jazmine: *points*

All: *looks*

Electro jumped onto Optimus and licked his face then biting his finger. Optimus tried to get Electro off but failed.

All: *burst into laughter*

Optimus: -_-

Jazmine: To cute.

Optimus: A little help here?

Jazmine: Electro let go. *tickles the black and blue cyberpup*

Electro: *releases*

Optimus: Thank you!

Jazmine: *kisses Electro's head*

Optimus: *kisses jazmine*

Jazmine: *giggles* Love you.

Optimus: Love you too.

Kenzie magically appears

Kenzie: Vote and Comment !!!

Everyone except Jazmine and Op: AHHHHHH!

Three: :p

Optimus: Transform and Roll out!

Electro: *jumps on top of Optimus's head* Woof.

Optimus and Jazmine: *chuckles*

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