Part 18

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Three days later, the solar storm arrived at Saitan with an intensity far exceeding the previous predictions by the Universal Research Headquarters, reaching a level of 4+!

The Universal Research Headquarters categorized solar storms into 4 levels: Level 1, absolutely safe, where the storm is small and the charged particle flow cannot reach Saitan, or only a minimal amount reaches, having little impact on electronic devices and global satellites. Level 2, relatively safe, where the storm easily blows the charged particle flow to Saitan, causing significant impact on electronic devices and global satellites. Level 3, relatively dangerous, where the storm not only damages electronic devices but also has subtle effects on small animals, plants, and infants on Saitan. Level 4, absolutely dangerous, where the charged particle flow carried by the solar wind can penetrate any object, causing serious direct or indirect harm to humans.

Previously, solar flares that reached Saitan were mostly at Level 3 or below. Solar storms of Level 4 or higher were rare, if not nonexistent, let alone a 4+ level storm, making it exceptionally rare. The Universal Research Headquarters temporarily classified it as a disaster level!

Some speculated: This was likely not a simple solar flare eruption but was related to the marauders! They wanted to stop our Arcadia Plan, so they used pulse weapons or similar weapons near the sun, exacerbating the abnormal solar activity, leading to the super-intensity solar flare eruption!

This speculation sounded plausible at first listen, so many people tended to agree with this view.

However, this speculation was soon overturned by the researchers, who said: "Although the mothership of the marauders is large, it is not enough to generate such a huge solar wind. Electromagnetic pulse weapons are even more unlikely because they have no effect on the sun and would not cause abnormal solar activity. You underestimate our sun too much."

Scholars everywhere had various opinions, including high-tech weapon theories, energy accumulation theories, and cosmic explosion theories...

But none of these theories could stand up to scrutiny. Science relies on evidence, not wild imagination. The idea of a high-intensity solar flare eruption being linked to cosmic destruction was quite far-fetched.

Qin Feng sneered at all these theories: "Huh! Look at how capable these people are. Why don't they become writers?" He then slapped a nearby monitor heavily, and the screen flickered back to life.

Due to the influence of the solar wind, most electronic devices worldwide had malfunctioned. Only this old-fashioned screen in front of them occasionally flickered with images.

The screen went blank again, and Qin Feng slapped it once more. The image reappeared...

Seated beside him, Xiaoya said, "Stop hitting it. You'll break it. It's not even the screen's fault."

Qin Feng slapped it again, saying, "But it works!"

"Even if it works, stop hitting it. I don't want to watch anymore. Turn it off."

Qin Feng turned off the screen and asked, "You probably can't buy this thing now. Where did you get it from?"

"Someone gave it to me."

"In this day and age, someone still gives this kind of relic as a gift?"

Xiaoya rolled her eyes at him. "You don't understand. Don't speak nonsense!"

"Huh? Is there a story behind it?"

She nodded and said, "At that time, there was an old man trapped under the rubble, holding onto this screen tightly. We tried to save him, but ultimately failed. Just before he died, he used his last bit of strength to lift this screen up to me."

Qin Feng: "That screen must have been very important to him!"

Xiaoya: "Yes."

Qin Feng: "What's inside it?"

Xiaoya: "There's a family photo."

When the solar storm hit, all one hundred Arcadia-class colonization ships instantly lost contact with the ground.

The United Government was highly tense, ordering close monitoring of data, determined to establish contact with the one hundred ships immediately after the solar storm passed.

As time passed, after over four hours, electronic devices gradually returned to normal. Eight hours later, the solar wind had passed through Saitan, blowing toward the distant reaches of space. Twelve hours later, all devices were back to normal.

Due to the high-intensity solar influence, some people experienced symptoms such as headaches, nausea, vomiting, fever, and decreased resistance.

Hospitals worldwide were overcrowded, with even the corridors filled with patients.

Even though the solar wind had passed, the Universal Research Headquarters still hadn't contacted any of the one hundred ships, not even one. They had a foreboding feeling, but no one spoke. Each person's forehead was covered in sweat, showing their anxiousness.

A day passed, and there was no news from the colonization ships.

Two days passed, and there was still no sign of them. It was as if they had vanished, and even the space probes following their planned route couldn't find any trace of the fleet.

Everyone's mood was heavy.

At a global conference, the highest leaders of the United Government said, "200,000 people! That's 20 people each! They're gone, disappeared into the vast universe like that..."

On the third day, just as the United Government was preparing to make this matter public globally, the Universal Research Headquarters suddenly made contact, reporting that they had received a message from the colonization fleet!

It turned out that the colonization fleet's communication equipment had been damaged by the solar storm. Only a few ships had been repaired so far, while the others were still being repaired one by one.

Upon hearing this news, everyone, including Qin Feng, erupted into cheers!

Universal Research Headquarters: "Report on your casualties."

Colonization Fleet: "Casualties are not yet clear. We will provide statistics after the communication equipment is repaired."

Universal Research Headquarters: "Are all colonization ships safe? Why didn't the space probes find you?"

Colonization Fleet: "The fleet's losses are not yet clear. We have deviated from the planned route by approximately 162,000 kilometers. All ships are currently correcting their course. There are approximately 30-40 Arcadia-class ships visible within visual range."

Universal Research Headquarters: "Maintain communication."

The heavy stone pressing on everyone's hearts was finally lifted. Although the report stated that only 30-40 Arcadia-class ships were visible, human eyesight was limited. Seeing thirty or forty ships was already good news, indicating that they were not too far apart. However, not being visible didn't mean they weren't there. Once communication equipment was repaired, they might be able to contact each other. Now, everyone needed to wait for all the lost colonization ships to repair their communicators and return to the fleet one by one.

"Do you think the missing Arcadia-class ships can really return to the fleet?" Xiaoya asked Qin Feng.

Qin Feng shook his head. "Not necessarily. The solar wind in space is like a sudden giant wave at sea, instantly scattering countless ships! It's normal for them to go missing, and it would be a miracle if they came back."

Xiaoya looked up at the sky and said, "I feel the same way."

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