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(long chapter, TW)

Emilia was in wrestling and boxing, but when she would loose a fight her father would beat her and lock her in a unplugged freezer in the basement for hours as punishment. one day Emilia was found by satomi when she was in the forest hiding from her father trying to patch her wounds, and satomi offers her a family and protection. and thats how she got to know the talbot siblings.

on one night everyone thought the talbot siblings and Emilia died, because the siblings was poisoned and ran over by a car, and no one could find Emilia.

a few hours earlier Brett and Emilia was walking back to her car after playing lacross, they were going to the pack house and had promised Lori they would have a movie night. so they were talking until they heard someone call out to them, they turned around and there stood a woman with curly hair and somthing in her hand.

"you lost this" she said while trowing a ball towards Brett he caught it and turned it in his hands, a purple mist came from the ball and he dropped it and started coughing. he stumbled back into the car behind them. Emilia was angry seeing him hurt so she turned towards the woman and pushed her to the ground, her eyes glowing blue , she raised her hand ready to slash out the throat of the person who hurt Brett. but then she feels a prick in her stomach and looks down to see a needle sticking out of her stomach. 

she hears Brett call out for her, so she turns toward him to see him on the ground. she hears foot steps across the parking lot and see a man with gun walking toward them, she quickly gets of the woman and helps brett up of the ground, taking his arm across her shoulders and an arm wrapped around him as she drags him out of the parking lot to the forest. they were running for a while then they stopped to catch their breath, emilia was starting to feel her body getting weaker by the second, she leant brett against a tree and pulled up her shirt to look at her stomach, and where the needle once was were now filled with black veins that looked to be spreading to the rest of her body.

"it that wolfsbane"Brett asks when he got a good look at it grimacing in pain.

"yep"i nod while looking around us, then a saw stones, and went over to them and picked three up and showed them to Brett. he got what i was thinking of and nodded his head, so i started stacking them on the ground. and we hid behind a¨two trees a bit further away, then we heard footsteps, brett peaked out from the tree he was hiding behind before looking over to me a few feet away behind a diffrent tree and nodded toward the man and woman looking at the stacked stones and i silently moved and threw an arrow at them that they had shot at us earlier, the old man shoved the woman away from being hit, and when we saw that it didn't work we ran off, after some time we went under ground in a sewer system. i could hear them getting closer to us and brett was awful, black goo running from his ears and stuff, he was covered in it, i had only started choughing up blood. so i found a place for him to hide and helped him up on a metal support beam high up, thats when i heard them around the corner , i told brett to stay there and be quiet until i come back. so i walked a bit down the corridor and had my back against the wall where they coudnt see me, then i heard them walking toward where i was but stopped when they heard a roar behind them, Emilia and brett was shocked, there was actually hope someone had come to save them.

"how did they get behind us"asked the woman.

"they didn't, that wasn't them. that was a werewolf making a mistake"says the old man.

"their friends are coming for them?"

"its safe to assume they are coming for us"

"why are we going back, what if there is a pack?"the woman says looking back.

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