My ragged breathing filled the silence, I was trying my best to keep calm and not panic. "Sir, she's awake." A husky voice said in a thick russian accent, then a few heavy steps approached me.

I was kneeling on the ground, I couldn't feel the dress on me anymore, just a loose t-shirt that smelled like shit. The thought of getting undressed by some men made me want to throw up, no one had to dare to touch or violate my body in any way. Especially when I was unconscious. It made me feel worse.

"Leave us alone." I recognized Jonathan's voice. A chair was dragged onto the ground, stopping right in front of me. He sat down and let out a chuckle, before he snatched the blindfold away from my eyes.

The light of the room was dim, there were no windows, only an armored door and a puddle of water in a corner. The ground was dirty, filthy, with some stains of blood in many corners. Someone had been here already, chained up like me.

My throat closed, my chest tightened up, "Good morning, princess." He had a smug grin plastered on that idiotic face. I felt so lucky for getting all my mother's facial features. "Don't call me that." I retorted hoarsely, my voice came out with a small quiver. He didn't need the satisfaction to see me like this, chained and suffering just like years ago.

"Why? You're my daughter, after all." His grin grew wider at the sight of my glare. "Untie me." I ordered through small pants, biting down my lower lip to keep myself collected and not panicked. Being chained down like that was triggering me once again and I didn't want it to happen right in front of him.

"So you can strangle me? No, thank you." He rolled his eyes and held the walking stick between his legs, now noticing it. His thigh was bandaged, some blood stained the white cloth. I did a nice job but I could've done better.

My eyebrows knitted in together, "Fuck you. What do you even need me for?" I hissed and moved my body to launch on him, but my restraints refrained me to do so. I gritted my teeth as I felt the leather dig into my skin, "There's nothing wonderful than having a daughter working in the enemy's team." He chuckled and leaned forward to cup my cheeks.

My stomach twisted in tight knots, I wanted to throw up on him and rip that fucking grin off of his face, "Don't. Touch. Me." I hissed and turned my head go the side harshly, making his anger grow worse. He raised his hand and slapped me across the face, making my ears ring from the force.

"I see there's plenty of learning we have to do." He growled lowly, standing up from the chair and supporting himself with the stick. I kept my gaze low, my chest rose and fell quickly as I fought back my tears, "I said, fuck you and your lessons. You're dying anyway." I retorted with a bitter laugh.

He placed the stick under my chin and made me raise my head to return his gaze. His eyes darkened, his orbs stared into mine, "You think they're any better than me? No one cares about you, but I do."

His words made me laugh, in that moment I looked like a poor woman gone insane. My busted lip hurt, my chest burned as I laughed, it was fueling his anger. "Pathetic." I smiled at him, shaking my head. He stared at me with a stone cold expression, before he raised the walking stick and hit me in the head with it.

I sucked in a breath for the crucial pain, my head throbbed and spinned, I almost felt like passing out right there. "You're nothing without them." He spoke with much of his disdain that made my guts twist.


Everyone was sitting around the kitchen's isle of Meridia's apartment, files, pictures and her phone scattered over the surface. John took a long drag from his cigar, it was already the fourth one of that day, the tension was eating him up. The whole team was worried about her disappearance, they needed to take her back as soon as possible.

"Price," Ghost walked inside the room, he had just bandaged his injured leg with Soap's help. "Any news?" He added and slumped on one of the free stools, heaving out a tired sigh. Since they returned from the mission he hadn't thought about anything else.

If only he had arrived in time he would've saved her, they would've returned home together without a scratch – maybe yes, but all he cared about was that she was okay.

Kate turned her attention to him and folded her arms, "We found Sebastian." As soon as he heard those words, his head snapped in her direction, "Where to?" He got up from the stool, but Kate raised her hands to signal him to sit back down.

"You're injured, Simon." She said with raised eyebrows, an ironic chuckle came from him, "Las, I'm used to this. It's not going to be a problem."

John clicked his tongue, shaking his head in disapproval, "Simon, we can't risk another of us." And he was so damn right, the risk was high. He would've been slower, easier to fight and he was the best among the 141.

Yet, the image of Meridia kept appearing in his head. His heart ached every time, he couldn't just back away from this mission.

"I can't just sit and wait." He scoffed. John already knew that his stubbornness came from the hidden feelings he had for her, he couldn't blame him for that. He would've done the same. Silence fell over the table again, they couldn't do much but wait for the right time to step in and get their hands on Sebastian.

Suddenly, Meridia's phone rang, catching everyone's attention. John eyed it and hesitated, before he picked it up and answered the call. It was Joyce.

"Riri.." John could hear her sobbing on the other line. How could he even alert her of her niece's disappearance at such a wrong time?

"This is John, Scylla is.. busy right now." He shut his eyes tightly and took in a deep breath when Simon eyed him with a disapproving expression. "Can you tell her to call me as soon as possible? It's urgent."

Something didn't feel right, she sounded devastated, heart broken — but he couldn't fit his nose into her businesses.

"Of course, Joyce.."

Sea of Temptation ; Simon Riley.Where stories live. Discover now