Chapter 35.

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My boy,
you will never
be unloved by me
you are too
well tangled in
my soul.

I tossed and turned in my bed, I couldn't seem to fall asleep, my mind was constantly thinking about the most recent events

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I tossed and turned in my bed, I couldn't seem to fall asleep, my mind was constantly thinking about the most recent events. I never expected to finally open up to someone, I never allowed anyone to discover the most hidden side of me but feeling comfort was something that calmed me, after cigarettes, obviously.

After talking about it with John, I felt like the burden was lifted off my shoulders, I felt more accepted for who I truly was. He stayed to hug me until I calmed down completely and with such affection, he wiped away my tears, just like my mother did when I was little.

After her death I was left alone to dry them myself and it caused an immense void in my chest. I constantly tried to hide myself from the eyes of others, over time I learned to become another person and pretend to be strong.

I changed my hair color, hid my real name, joined the Special Forces to distract my mind from the past and have an extra motivation to continue on living: saving others.

My mind kept filling up with thoughts, my eyes wouldn't close, so I decided to get up. I took a swimsuit from the closet and changed into it, then covered myself with a loose-fitting t-shirt. It was around three in the morning, everyone was sleeping so I wouldn't meet anyone on the way down.

I made sure I had everything I needed, towel, cigarettes, keys and phone. Then, carefully, I left the villa without making any noise. Even though it was the middle of autumn, the temperatures still hadn't dropped too much and like an idiot I was about to take a bath in the sea.

The sand beneath my feet sank, I approached one of the loungers and placed my things on it. I remembered that I still had a wound healing, I couldn't take a bath in the sea so I instead, I would only get my body wet up to my thighs.

Before leaving, I lit a cigarette and took off my shirt, then I slowly reached the shore. I breathed in the fresh air, the gentle breeze threw my short hair to the back, the nicotine was easing my nerves.

With all the events, missions, constant deployments, I no longer ate. I didn't even notice that I had lost weight, Joyce kept on letting me know but only now did I notice it. I bit my lip and took a drag from the cigarette, listening to the burn of the paper.

"You should be sleeping." My body shivered, not from the cold but from hearing his deep voice behind me. Turning my head to the side, I rested my chin on my shoulder and looked at him.

It was all dark, there was only the moonlight above us, that reflected on his hazel eyes. He was always wearing that damn balaclava, then he had a black t-shirt and sweatpants on, grey because he was such a bastard.

"You too." I mumbled in response, my eyebrows furrowing before I moved my gaze back on the sea ahead of me. Without saying anything I dipped my feet inside the cold water, my body shivering.

Sea of Temptation ; Simon Riley.Where stories live. Discover now