Chapter 11.

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You wrap
your fingers in my hair
and pull
that's how
you draw music
from me.

WHAT happened in my room left me stunned, I let him do it again and I just felt like ripping his face off for getting that close to me

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

WHAT happened in my room left me stunned, I let him do it again and I just felt like ripping his face off for getting that close to me. Yet I never pushed him away, my body was frozen – no, it wanted more. And I hated it.

There was no time for such things, I had better priorities to think about and not him, a damn lieutenant that wanted to get between my thighs once again. But why did he have such effects on me?

The next morning I woke wanting to stay in bed all day, just like the others, I didn't want to go to that bastard even though I wanted to give a hand with the reports, knowing how much time they took to get filled in. So I just put my thoughts aside and started to get ready for the day.

My stomach was begging for food and forgetting Ghost's 'visit' from yesterday, I checked the fridge hoping there would be food in there. There was. He really brought me some food, as if I was a starved cat. I grabbed a simple yogurt and devoured it along with an apple.

It has been so long since I ate a serious meal, my body was surviving with the alcohol and water from the previous days, no wonder why I gave in so easily.

I wasn't taking care of myself properly and I just kept on pushing everyone away. I didn't want to feel weak, I didn't want anyone to think of that and take care of me, I was strong enough.

Once I put on my uniform, I walked through the base's hallways while trying to tie my hair into a quick bun. Having them undone was a burden so most of the times I always had them tied, except for the island's mission.

The base was packed with soldiers like always and I just minded my business while walking towards the other wing of the building, where offices were.

Before reaching Ghost's, I decided to stop for a quick coffee at a vending machine, I slid in some coins and selected the drink. While patiently waiting for it to be done, a cap was placed on my head, the gesture making the small tie slip and my hair come undone.

"Urgh.. seriously?" I took off the cap from my head but a hand stopped me, making it fall on my eyes. "Don't, it's a gift." Gaz's voice reached my ears.

I let out a sigh and fixed it better on my head, before turning to look at him with an arched brow, "A cap?" I clicked my tongue and he chuckled. "Hey, it's a gift. Appreciate it." He bumped my shoulder playfully.

Appreciate it, Scylla. Don't be so mean to him, he did nothing to you.

I looked at him still with the same expression as before, "Ghost is waiting for you in his office. We need to hand in the reports soon and he needs you to finish yours." He said before patting my shoulder again and walking away.

When his figure completely disappeared, I took off the cap to take a look at it; it was a simple navy blue with UK's flag at the center. Fucking Brits.
I just put it on back and grabbed the coffee, now making my way to Ghost's office.

Sea of Temptation ; Simon Riley.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin