Chapter 1 - backstory

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A/n this chapter starts off a bit sad, but it gets good 

Miya grew up alone. She can't say she liked it but it was all she knew. In the whole village no one would utter a word to her, the beast. Other than the occasions where they would mutter profanities at her or call her a monster, they kept their distance.

Of course there were times when the drunks would gang up on her, in an attempt to hurt her, as she grew up however, their attempts became less and less successful, as she got faster and faster. Once she awakened her mana their fear for her grew and hate followed suit.

At the age of 8 some villagers sent her death threats. She cried for hours that night, for the first time in a while she questioned herself. "Whats wrong with me? Why dont they like me?" She cried as she clutched her little chest.

That was the night she left. Packed up her stuff and left. She ran and ran until her little legs gave out, then she ran again. 

She ended up collapsed in some village in the middle of no where. Opening her eyes to two boys  a few years younger than her one with grey fluffy hair and a missing  tooth, and one with straight black hair and a blue necklace. She sat up and gave them a weak smile.

"Hi im Asta! And this is Yuno." The one with grey hair exclaimed, sticking out his hand for her to take, which she gladly took, replying "Hi Asta and Yuno Im Miya." Standing up, she started seeing black dots in her vision, and next thing she knew she was falling backwards.

Opening her eyes once again she was in.. a church? She looked down at herself to find a fresh set of clothes around her. Smiling to herself, muttering "finally clean", before realising she had no clue where she was.

Walking out of the foreign room, she was met with a group of kids a priest and a nun, "you're finally up then, how do you feel" asked the nun. "Im alright, may i ask where i am?" 

After some explaining, from both parties, she came to the conclusion she likes this church, and the people at the church liked her, so she would stay (yay). They treated her like family, immediately accepting her as another one of the orphans. She built a close bond with all the kids, especially Asta and Yuno.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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