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Inaya's POV:

I entered Zain's room and suddenly Zain throw a glass vase on the wall. My breath hitched. I examined the room, all the things were broken. On the floor of the room, broken pieces of glass were spread everywhere.

" Zain." I said and he turned towards me, his eyes were all red because of anger and his hands were bleeding.

" Get out of here!" He shouted on me.

" Zain."

" I SAID GET OUT!" This time he shouted louder and turned his head again to the wall again.

I went near him and tried to touch him when he jerked off, because of which my back touched the wall.

" Inaya, I am not in a good mood. I may hurt you, so please go out." This time he said calmly.

" Zain but-" He punched the wall beside my face, I jumped out of fear.

" How can I leave you, when you are hurting yourself." I said.

" Please stop this acting Inaya. This nothing in front of the pain, you gave me."

" What did I did?"

" You are like my dad, he cheated on my mom and you tried cheating on me."

" When did-"

" SHUT UP AND GET OUT!" He shouted.

" Zain but I what did I do? I just came to check on you."

" You are not my real fiance so don't act like one."

And that was the end line of my anger. I mean he gave every right to get angry but what have I done to him that he is saying such things to me. This is not the way he should behave with me, even if he is angry. And if I am only his fake fiance then I am done with nonsense. I am just done. Tears were falling from my eyes. I slammed the door and started going downstairs. Everyone looked at me.

" What happened bhabhi?" Vivaan asked.

" Nothing."

Shweta aunty(Zain's mom) came to me and said," Did he hurt you by saying something bad?"

" No aunty, we needed to have this conversation." I said while wiping my tears but the new ones replaced them. I ran from inside. But then I realised I came here from the mandir to directly here with everyone.

" Let me drop you, bhabhi." I heard Rehaan saying from behind. I looked behind to see Rehaan seated in the car. I opened the back door and entered the car. Rehaan started the car, I opened the window and cried while looking at the moon.

" Bhabhi, if bhai said something to you. Then there definitely is some misunderstanding between you two because Bhai won't take his anger on you if the thing was about uncle. Yeah, he would have thrown everything in his room but he wouldn't have said something bad to you."

" Actually Rehaan. He didn't said something bad to me. No, he didn't said anything to me till now, the problem is this. It was just me imagining things, I deserve to be hurt. I thought he love me, but no he didn't. Everything was just the part of a play. " I said while crying.

" Can you drop at Aesha's?" He nodded.


(Next day):

Now I am better from before after sharing everything to my friends, I feel relieved. Kiara was ready to murder Zain, Aesha said that the fault was mine only I shouldn't have fallen in love when he had made it clear from the starting only, it's just an act. Anya on the other side said that I should talk to Zain once but both Aesha and Kiara declined me to do so. So the conclusion is I need to talk to Zain, we need to cut this wedding off. I am going to London tomorrow and that was the reason I wanted to spend more time with Zain, but idiots can't be helped.

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