Welcome to the Jungle: Entries and Judges

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Worrying means you suffer twice

~Newt Scamander

Dear Judges:Remember our deal about me voting on all chapters and reading some of your book? Put the name of the book you'd like me to vote on right here----->

It is mandatory for participants to follow their judges. However you won't be forced to read their books, it would be a really nice gesture to do, especially since they will be spending their time to analyse and write out feedback on not only your book, but the books of four other participants. That's alot of work. 

Judge 1:   (Look in the comments)
1. Supergirl: Between two Stars Book 1 by MRArcher_writer
2. Young by ryan_pearce
3. Rhodoreef by SuVida777
4. The eyes of power by ThewordArtistBooks
5. The Ludicrous League by sweetpepper55

Judge two: Yours Truly 

1. Blood Rukus by KanhaiyakiSakhi9112
2. The right to die by @avadel
3. Dude i kissed your mom by quyvozi
4. Juno Regina disney_fanatic36
5. Phoenix-Consumption by YsmeriaGuilro

If i got anything wrong, please let me know here

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