All aboard.

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It's been two weeks since I've spoken to Theo. And two weeks since Mattheo's cryptic message.

I've tried several times to speak to Theo. He's ignored me every chance he could. I only seen him at the mandatory dinners. Other than that, he's like a ghost. I search every room, he's never there.

I just want to explain my self. The severity of the situation, explain that, that was the last thing I ever wanted to do. But it was necessary.

He wouldn't let me.

As for Mattheo, I blew up his phone the second he sent that text. About forty messages back, ten phone calls; including three to Draco and five to Enzo.


The boys had no idea what was going on, and told me not to worry about it.

But how could I not?

My boyfriend telling me not to believe a word he says to me? I was going utterly out of mind.

I locked my self in my room most of the days now. Stalking my friends on instagram.

Pansy on vacation. Enzo abroad. Draco's odd stories of his manor. I checked in with them twice a week. But still, I was lonely.

And the worst part was, I couldn't tell them why.

Theo posted often at the beginning of summer, what we were doing; photos of us, now nothing.

That, or he blocked me.

Two more weeks until I was home.

I could do it.

Two more weeks until I held Mattheo again.

I could definitely do it.

It was my last week at the manor when a knock at the door startled me out of my sleep.

It was mid afternoon, I must've dosed off. I had my earphones in listening to a song Mattheo had told me about, and now I heard it coming from the floor where my headphones lied.

"Come in!" I cleared my throat.

It was Theo.

I held my breath.

"Sorry, didn't know you were sleeping." He said, shortly.

"No I must've dosed, I'm happy you're here." I half smiled.

"I'm not here for why you think I am. We need to get our stories straight." He sat on the edge of my bed.

"About?" I was confused.

"About why we aren't friends anymore. I don't want to associate with you this year, which I know it's inevitable, but no one on one, only in a big group." His face was cold.

"Theo I hardly think that's necessary." My breath caught again.

"Oh why, don't like my feelings? Feel free to obliviate me again! Make me think we had a wonderful summer." He rolled his eyes.

"Theo if you just understood, how much doing that really took out of me, how desperately I wanted another way to protect you, I had no choice. I don't wholly regret it." A tear streamed down my face, "I regret loosing you, I'll never regret keeping you safe."

"Well I regret ever loving you. Ever being close to you. Ever meeting you." He stood and went to leave.

"You don't mean that Theo!" I screamed.

"I do!" He turned, his face red, and his breath catching, "I really fucking do! Because if I never did, you would've never fucked with my head!"

"You tortured me! Stop acting like you did nothing for me to react that way!" I was sobbing now.

"That still doesn't give you the right!" His chest was rapidly moving; his hands were balled into fist's at his side.

The tension could be cut with a knife.

I walked up to him and put my wand to his temple, he didn't falter, he didn't flinch, he simply closed his eyes.

"Stay still." I whispered and shut my eyes.

Obliviate was irreversible. I knew it when I casted it. But the spell I was using now, was a memory modification charm. I couldn't ever give him his actually memories back, but I could plant ones in his mind. Our memories. From my point of view.

I tried to push in as many as I could, but my head was beginning to hurt, I couldn't imagine how his felt.

I lowered my hand and stepped back, tears slowly rolling down my cheeks.

"It's the best I could do." I huffed, and turned to walk back to my bed.

He stood there, silent.

I watched as he was finding all the memories I buried in his head.

"I'll see you at breakfast tomorrow." He whispered and left.

Two weeks later.

Theo and I have half mended our friendship. As much as he appreciated me giving him some memories back, and even asked if I would try to restore some more, he was more angry at the principle at why I did it.

We agreed to keep working on our friendship, but to not let the group know of any fights we had, or will have. We said we would work it out on our own terms, on our own time.

I was truthfully just thankful he was giving me the time of day, even if since he got his memories back, he's been looking at me rather funny.

I even showed him the text from Mattheo on the way to the train, and he told me not to get too concerned. His father is a nasty, vile, man. Probably planted things in his mind.

8:51 a.m


The bloody train is going to leave!

I'm walking on now
Relax Merlin

Theo & I are nearly there

Any one hear from Matt?


I'm sure he'll be here.

Our reunion is exactly what it is every years. Hugs after hugs. "Oh my Merlin your hair!" "You got taller!" "Tanned skin? Merlin!"

And this year, after all of that, silence. Staring at the door. Waiting for Mattheo.

He never came.

8:59 a.m

The train is leaving Matt
Where the fuck are you
I'm getting nervous now.
What the fuck ?

We arrived at school, still with no Mattheo. And filled into the great hall.

Halfway through Dumbledore's boring welcome back speech, the doors flung open.

Mattheo slowly walked through, taking his seat next to Draco.

"Mattheo! What the fuck?!" Theo whisper-screamed across the table.

I sat there.


No hug.

No Kiss.

Not even a smile.

This wasn't the reunion I replayed in my head a million times all summer.

I just stared at him.. eyes watering.


"What the fuck are you looking at, Rosier?" He shot at me.

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