I find out a truth about myself

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Luke didn't know how to drive. Maybe that should be added to camp half blood's list of "Hero training activities". He was sleeping. I kept my eyes on the road, but there wasn't much to see. The sun was setting on the horizon, we had to find a place to stay the night. We were close to camp, but we wouldn't make it before night, and Luke had said that's the time where most monsters come out. The plan was simple. We were going to walk around the borders of the camp. Artemis had said they would be waiting at the valley. I just had to find a way to take Luke there, once I did, my quest would be over, I would be considered a success. But did that success matter if I had to betray him? I wished I could've met Luke before he did what he did. Maybe when he was younger, still naive, unconscious of his reality, maybe we could've been friends then. My head kept kicking me for thinking that he wasn't mean, and that he did have a point. The gods were never good to me either. It took me this long to realise, I didn't owe them anything. Luke moved, waking up.

"Hey," I said with the softest voice I could pull, being so mad at everything at the moment.

He smiled, and his eyes narrowed. "Hey, where are we?"

"Somewhere near missouri." I said looking at the map on my lap.

"Pull up at the blue sign." The sign Luke talked about was a stick with wings and two snakes intertwined. I hesitated and looked at him, was this even safe?

"Trust me." I did, and swerved off the road.


We arrived at a cabin, lit only by a torch hanging on the door. Luke walked in front of me. He stood at the door and said something in Greek I couldn't quite get. The door opened, and he walked in.

"Come on." Luke beckoned. I followed him. The house didn't look abandoned, as if someone took care of it every now and then. Curiosity crept in and I had to ask the question.

"What is this place?"

Luke threw himself on the couch. "My..., Hermes is the god of travellers. He has cabins all across the country, he uses them whenever he has to deliver packages himself." I nodded. Everything went silent, it was starting to get weird. These past days everything felt weird between us. It was probably my fault.

"Where are we going after we visit the camp?" I tried to sound convincing enough, it would be weird that I wasn't worried about the plan.

He sounded calm, "We'll see tomorrow, let's focus on one day at a time."

Silence fell again. I didn't know how to handle this. Luke fixed that for me.

"How about we play a question game? I mean I feel like I've spent a lifetime with you and I don't really know you."

A voice in my head said, "and you never will get to." Torturing me with the thought that in less than 24 hours I'd never see Luke again.

"Sure, how does that work? I never played this at the sanctuary." I felt embarrassed. He probably thought I was stupid for not having a conventional childhood.

He sat up straight, "It's super easy really. I ask a question you answer, then vice versa." You know when you have a gut feeling something won't come out ok? This was one of those. "First question, what's your..." He thought for a second. "Favourite colour?" Too moderate for my liking but I accept I'm feeling a bit reckless tonight.

"Pink sometimes red too, Yours?"

"Blue." It made sense to me, something about him looked blue. "Ummm, what's your favourite weapon?" Was he for real?

"Come on Castellan, is that all you've got?" My eyes stared directly into his, testing him. Go on Luke ask what you want to know. I saw him shift in his seat with a nervous laughter, I could even swear that his skin tone turned a redded shade.

"Ok, umm..." He was hesitant. "Have you ever been with anyone? Like Kissed," I raised a brow, did he not understand the part where I am forbidden too? I sensed he read my expression incorrectly because then he added "Or something more, right?" He laughed nervously again.

"I am forbidden to be involved in romantic relationships, so no. But that doesn't mean that many have tried." I wished I could read his expression, he just nodded.

"Have you ever kissed a girl, Luke Castellan?" I was trying to bother him, but then I thought that his answer may bother me. The idea of some pretty girl from the Aphrodite cabin kissing him came to my mind, and I didn't like it one bit. I shook it of.

His eyes went wide for a short instant and then he blushed. He looked down and fidgeted with his hands. "I mean umm, I umm, never really had time for that, you know? I just never, you know?" Aha, apparently I knew but I didn't understand a word he said.


"Have you ever wanted to be with anyone?" Ok, this is getting interesting. "I know you can't but maybe ever thought about it."

I thought for a minute and I instantly knew the answer to that, but could I really say it out loud? "I don't really know what falling in love feels like, so I don't know. Sometimes I wished I could've chosen to resign love for life, but nobody gave me a say in that decision."

"What if you left the hunters?" His statement made the whole earth go quiet. I looked at him as if he spoke about something that shouldn't be spoken.

"You can't leave the hunters. It is an honour that Artemis chooses you as one."

"I know but do you really want that?" I looked at the floor, because the truth felt heavy on my chest. Of course I didn't. Luke must've caught on my expression because he tried to change the subject and leave the game behind.

"I'm glad you wanted to visit camp, I kind of miss it, and can't really show up and say, "Hey everyone, remember when I tried to kill you all? Well forget about it, I'm just passing around."" A part of me felt like Luke had a glimpse of regret in himself. He missed his home, I would too. And through this time he showed me he really isn't mean, he is just broken and has been let down by those who were supposed to protect us. I felt the same way.

"What do you miss the most about it?" I didn't want to push his buttons, I wanted to know, I wanted to know how to bring that boy back.

"Ugh, so many things. Being the head of my cabin, training the new kids, and totally beating them in Capture the flag. I was the best with swords at camp." He said proudly. I found it funny that he felt so good about himself for that. The hunters are trained to be good at every single thing.

"So you're only good with swords, don't the rest of the activities feel left out?" I teased mocking him.

He smiled mischievously, then looked straight into my eyes."If you want I can show you what other things I'm good at." I don't know why but that comment made an image pop in my head that maybe shouldn't be thought of. In my mind I thought about the possibility of Luke's lips on mine. His hands at the sides of my face, being so close to him I could feel him breath.

I stopped in my tracks and instantly felt the guilt. I can't. I am a hunter. This is not what I've dedicated my life to. I promised myself I would never think of him again, after all tomorrow he'd be dead for all I knew.

"I don't think you will be that good though, if you never kissed a girl." I stood up from the couch and headed to one of the sleeping bags.

"I... wasn't talking about that." His voice shook a bit, and even though I couldn't see his face I knew he was blushing again. "Unless you wanted me to, then I totally was."

" Goodnight Castellan, tomorrow's going to be a long day." I turned my back to him, already covered by a blanket.

"Goodnight Alex." He turned off the light next to him, then I felt his feet walking towards his sleeping back. Right before I closed my eyes and fell into Hypnos reign I heard him say, "You do flirt an awful lot for being forbidden too."

"Maybe I don't care that much that I can't. At least not with you."

The Traitorजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें