Terror of the Shadow Ship

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Farren watched as his crew rushed about preparing for battle. He turned his eyes back to the horizon. He watched the ships dance as they approached the battle. The ship on the attack was black as the purest night everything from the sails to the wood and metal. The ship seemed to suck in all light making everything around it darker. The screams of men mingled with sound of cannon fire as the black ship fired on it's victim a royal navy Frigate. The Frigate flew the royal purple and black of the Salarian empire. The naval ship was struggling to defend itself against the onslaught from the black ship. They crossed into the frey his men shouting as they readied the cannons. Farren could feel Sol beside him his lightning crackled as it flashed around him. This was not their fight but the onslaught had awakened his bloodlust. The need to send the blackened souls of the world to the depths ran through his soul outlying any thoughts of leaving well enough alone. The order to fire crashed from his lips as he steered into the fight. His light clashed harshly against the darkness of the other ships. Cannons fired from both sides of his ship as he crossed between the fighting ships. His wheelman approached and took control with a quick nod to Farren. Grinning Farren left his post with Sol at his side he jumped from his ship. Landing on the deck of the navy ship Farren drew his twin cutlass and began his hunt. His eyes allowed him to see a list of sins carved into the souls of the human scum aboard the ship. Movig across the swaying deck Farren dodged debris and fire as he killed those in his sights. So enthralled was he in his task that he barely noticed Sol engulfing his surroundings in lightning. Each bolt found its target with sound precision. With each stride Farren took he realized he wasn't alone as a dark figure followed his movements and for every sinner he reaped the figure took an innocent life in return. Farren frowned he rage increasing at every turn. He tried to focus on the figure sure the sins would be worth the death. The figure however was shrouded from his sight no soul to be seen no sins to be read. Surrounded by shadow his eyes a beautiful unyielding gold. This figure seemed to switch tactics and started towards Farren killing sinner and innocent alike as he moved. Farren forged onward thorns of light piercing sinners as he passed..

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