Captain of the Moonlit Death

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The day was long and hot the sea tossed and churned as they journeyed. Gazing upon his captain Sol tried his best to judge his mood. The darkness settled in his storm grey eyes made him unsettled. His captain was quiet and shut off most of the time but he knew that it wasn't a sign you could take for weakness. Many men had breathed their last for making that mistake. His captain's chocolate brown curls swirled in the ocean breeze as the wind picked up. Handsome was often a description used for his captain by many a woman when they stepped upon the land everyso often. The braid decending on his left side were the only tame strands as the rest flew wild. Sol knew his captain was deep in his own haunted thoughts as he steered their ship through the waves. The Moonlit Death was an impressive Frigate armed to the teeth but impossibly fast. The pure white wood and silver steel trimming made them appear as mirage to those on the sea of human nature. Their ship was almost too bright to look at in the sun. Their captain was anything but human as were the rest of them. Sol himself was a lightning dyjin and he was well over twenty thousand years old. Several of their crew were moonwalkers and watched over the ship at night. Captain Moon had appeared to Sol four thousand years ago with an offer to sail the sea and send the unfortunate ones to their watery Graves and he had agreed as he was never loved by those on the land who saw him as a bloodthirsty creature of destruction. His captain treated them as equals. He knew full well what they were and what they could do and still gave them life and purpose. Sailing across sea had given Sol a new found sense of peace and freedom. His captain rested a hand upon the hilt of one of his twin cutlass. Their polished ivory handles and silver steel matched the ship and for the thousandth time Sol found himself wondering if it was just a style or part of his captain's power. It was hard to believe that after four thousand years of sailing together that he still didn't know the full extent of his captain's powers or even what kind of creature he was. Lightning crackled across his skin as he noticed that his captain's gaze was now fixed to horizon his eyes glowing white. Captain Moon only becomes like this when there is a battle in the waves. Sol turned striding across the deck to Captain Moon's side. His Captain called for preparations to be made and stations to be battle ready.

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