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tw: talk of panic attacks, gore and manic episodes.

Dominique's woke to the sound of beeping.

When her eyes fluttered open, everything was white. White walls, white ceilings, white floors.

She turned her head slightly, her insides feeling like they were on fire, to look at the source of the beeping.

There, lay a heart monitor. Hooked up to drips, her arm her arm limp by her side. She gazed at the monitor, taking in her reflection in the glassy screen and grimacing.

She looked like shit.

Her hair was a mess, her gown felt scratchy and horrible against her her skin and her mascara that she had worn to the BBQ was rubbed all over her eyes; so she looked like a zombie.

But her eyes themselves caught her attention the most.

They were the same colour, still possessing the different variations of the red she had grown to know. But they were duller.

The gold specks from her eyes had faded.

Now, her gaze looked were somewhat hollow.


Her figure stilled from its place in her reflection, raising her shaky gaze to be greeted by the stature of her calmed father.

"Father..." Dominique whispered out, watching as he rubbed his chin, walking over to Dominique's bedside and standing over her, parting his lips.

"Dominique, my dear. Do you know how much hospital bills cost?" He asked with faux care, looking down at her with sympathy swimming in his eyes and a raised brow. Dominique gulped slightly, unnerved by his odd behaviour towards her.

"No- I don't. How much do they cost?" He queried, her gaze widening as his eyes were invaded by hostility, a scorn covering his features as he leaned down to his daughter's distraught figure.

"More than we can afford, honey. Which is why you're going to do daddy a favour." He spat out, leaning back up slightly and clenching his fists at his sides harshly.

As Dominique parted her lips with a confused look painting her features, she felt her mouth go dry. She felt her father's hands clamping themselves around her throat and squeezing tightly, their grip unforgiving.

Immediately, she began to panic, squirming around on the bed and her hands finding her father's around her neck, sending him a pleading glance as she futilely tried to loosen his grip.

Tears gathered in her eyes as she felt her mind start to fog, her heart monitor beeping rapidly in the background alerting her to her incoming end, sending her spiralling.

Eventually, she felt her strength give out on her. Her arms slid lifelessly away from his, laughing flat against her bed. Her bloodshot eyes followed her father's figure lean down next to her ear.

"Die. Funerals are cheaper than hospital bills, anyway."

Tyler felt his senses overwhelm his body, his friends and family sitting in the lounge outside Dominique's room.

His features tugged into a frown, his mind tugging against his conscious. His gut was telling him something was wrong.

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