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ashlyn stared at the permission slip in her hand with a conflicted expression on her face. one side of her thought that the trip wouldn't be so bad. it would give her more ideas to pitch to her group on what their project should be about; she would be able to explore a new site of america without her parents looming over her shoulder, and she would get extra credit for basically messing around with the group. 

but the thought of having to socialize with the others for two whole days weighed down on her conscience. she flipped the paper in her hand, fiddling with it at she let out a sigh. as she tuned it over, however, there was a small sentence scribbled in the bottom corner of the paper. she red over it curiously.

'you might have fun! o( ∩_∩)o' 


a soft smile rose to her face, somewhat flattered and flustered over dom's care for her presence on the trip. not to mention, aiden had orchestrated the whole meet up to try and convince her to go, too. but she wasn't sure if aiden had done it out of kindness, or just because he wanted to see her suffer with a grin on his face. 

but just as she was about to scrunch the paper up and throw it away in her trash, she rethought dominique's words from the night before.

"so give him a chance. and i hope you can give me one, too."

"i am so going to regret this." ashlyn sighed out sarcastically, banging her head against her table and letting out a long groan before getting up and walking downstairs with the permission slip dominique had given her secured in her grasp. 

"im so glad you decided to come! you made it seem like you weren't going to go." aiden smiled down at ashlyn, obviously ecstatic that ash had decided to go on the trip after all. ben stood behind aiden with a blank look on his face, fiddling with his phone as he plugged his headphones in, preparing for the trip ahead. 

"im sure you are." ashlyn deadpanned, turning around to stare at aiden with a small, somewhat playful glare in her eyes. she rolled her eyes, remembering just how many times aiden had asked her if she was going to go on trip or not. dominique had calmed down her  harassment after their talk in the bathroom, confident that her words had gotten through to ashlyn and deciding not to pressure ash any more on the matter after that day, which the ginger was grateful for. 

as aiden, ben and ashlyn joined the group, they spotted the other members of their study project floating around. logan was standing by himself, rifling through his bag a little as he went over all the items inside, making sure he had everything. tyler and taylor were stood between a couple of people, arguing playfully as tyler shook his head back and fourth childishly. 

"cut it out, you two." dominique stood, her hands in her pockets and walking up to the group. as she got closer, she lightly slapped the back of tyler and taylor's heads and stuck her tongue out at them. tyler started yapping, comical steam coming out of his ears as he glared at dom. so she just pinched his ear. hard.

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