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the night was painted red.

dark pink clouds floated motionlessly along the atmosphere, blocking the moon from the stolace of the blood red night.  

the absence of the stars glittering against the skyline punched dominique with a looming feeling of sadness.

dom loved the stars with a passion. when nights were rough when she was younger, the familiar glow of the stars always drank in her attention. for years, yelling and smashing was drowned out by the stars. her favorite, sirius, was a star that shone brighter then any other. 

well, figuratively, that is. to the naked eye, sirius blended in with the other stars - it didnt look special. but dom knew. she knew better than anyone that just because someone blends in, doesnt mean they're undifferent. sirius was a powerful star with a tragic backstory - which she found oddly relatable. 

a small smile rose to her face as the wind rushed past her. she leaped over tree roots - her hand snug around a metal bo-staff, secured by her side with the twist of her belt loop. as she neared the still neighborhood her mind cleared at the sound of the silence. her rosy lips taught into a softer smile at the sight. if it were any normal world, she would bathe in the silence, resting on a rooftop and letting the cool breeze wash over her body in a comforting blanket.  

her mind stiffed back to life at the roar of shadowy, slick grinned creatures, currently bolting toward were she stood. 

it was too bad this wasn't a normal world.

in the heat of reminiscing, a hand slapped the back of her head, a wide grin making its way in her field of vision which belonged to a boy with shaggy blond hair and piercing red eyes. she rolled her eyes, kicking into a sprint as she kept back up with the rest of her group, aiden only slightly infront of her. 

he turned around, poking his tongue out at dom as she raised a finger, pulling down one of her eye bags and sticking her tongue out back at him in an annoyed manner, using her other hand to flip him the bird. 

"focus on looking in front of you, asshole!" she shouted at him, a small laugh making its way past her lips as she kicked her legs into full throttle, easily overtaking him in the groups rushed sprint. she made her way next to a redhead with a face full of freckles, ashlyn. 

"yo, how many minuets, glasses!" dominique called, taking a quick glace back at the rest of the group to make sure everyone was accounted for. 

logan, a small, frail boy with glasses and a shaky voice yelled back. his hand secured around a rifle, flung haphazardly over his shoulder. 


dom grit her teeth, her mind running as fast as her heart as she slowed her pace just slightly, going to the back of the group behind everyone. 

next to her, a tall, tan girl with chocolate hair was panting heavily, her feet slamming against the early beneath them. dom sent taylor a small smile, ushering her pick up the pace in the nicest way possible.  

taylor grit her teeth, and out of the corner of doms eye, she saw a shadowy hand lunge for the fringe of taylors flowing hair. dom's eyes narrowed, pushing taylor forward lightly so she wouldnt lose her balance, but also effectively getting her out of the arc of the phantom's swing.  dom's hand found her bo-staff, taking a quick glace behind her to make sure that there were no more creatures directly behind them before ramming her shoulder into the phantom's side. when it crash landed on the ground infront of her, doms hand raised her staff, plunging it through the centre of it's forehead, an in turn, receiving a horrible, ghastly scream. 

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