Jessie: Why is my life so fuzzed up?

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I dedicate this chapter to Hannahhannahhannahhj for helping me push through this chapter...sorry if it disappoints anyone but I wanted to build up a chapter to when they hop on the plane because I can't wait to drop the bombshell...>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


I am NOT a morning person. If you gave someone the choice to wake up Smaug the dragon or me they would definitely pick the dragon. I hate going to sleep as well because it makes me feel alone. Why?
Well to cut a long story short, Scott took me into a bar to collect an item he needed for his 'work' and left me alone in an eating booth with strange men surrounding me, in my opinion it was a death wish waiting to happen. And guess what I was right! After Scott left I was taken AKA kidnapped by a group of guys wearing ski masks. If it wasn't so scary I probably would've called the situation cliché but it was terrifying so I just focused on the screaming part back then. They took me and locked me in a dark room but not before the 'leader' I'm guessing cut my arm with a knife. Yeah you heard me a knife. Four hours later and the police came to get me. I was taken to the hospital and questioned but because I didn't see the faces of my kidnappers I wasn't a big help, the only thing I remembered was that the main guy had tattoos of stars all down his arm. Helpful right? Not. Anyway as you can probably guess I have a scar down my left arm from the cut. I keep telling myself it makes me look more threatening and adds to my allure but in truth I hate it, all that lumpy white skin that will never go away. Ugh! 

So now that I'm awake I suppose I'll go and see if mums awake. that snoring? No it can't be I'm awake. I swivel around and scan my room. Nothing. I walk around to the other side of my bed and on the floor on a mattress is...Austin! What the actual fudge-nuggets???!!

He is wrapped up in his sheets and is snoring like he just ran a marathon. Oh boy! I restrain a groan. Why is he in my room? I need to get pay-back. I quickly scan my room and spot a vase of flowers and...well you can guess the rest.

"What the..." Austin stares at his soaked torso covered in petals and then a me and then back to his abs.
I try to contain my laughter unsuccessfully, "Well serves you right for being in my room. Uninvited." I add.
Austin growls at me, "Couldn't have woken me a minute later I was having a delightful dream." He waggles his eyebrows at me. Ewwww. I don't even want to know. I pretend to gag and we both end up laughing. Austin saunters over to me and invades my personal space. Again. I can practically feel the warmth of his skin radiating off his chest and onto my shoulders.
"I'm going to have a shower now." He states with a smug smile gracing his lips. Well that was random.
I cross my arms, " Have fun with that."
"I will."
"Fine." He blows me a kiss and with that he strolls out of my room. Still shirtless. A minute later I hear the shower starting and I can't help a cheeky grin on my face just having the idea of the century. I saunter quietly over to his suitcase and one by one I start to take out all of his underwear from his suitcase and hide them under my bed.
Why am I being so mean I hear you ask? Simple. No-one I repeat no-one stays in my room all night and then acts smug about him affecting me in the boyish way he does. Not that he does obviously. A knock on the door spins me around and see my mother standing in her PJ's with her hands on hips looking more than slightly concerned. I look down at my hands with Austin's bunched undies in them and smile cheekly at my mother,

"What? He deserves it. In fact Scott and him deserve a lot worse but still gotta start somewhere right?" I shrug and smile like a psychopath.

"Why? Oh honey don't do that, he's been so nice to you! Take yesterday for example, he carried you to your room after you fainted and stayed with you ALL night in case you woke up scared. He's a darling." Mum finished. 

Wait what??!! That's why he was in my room? Oh cheese balls! And of course only now it all comes flooding back to me. I'm the heir to the ride-away bulls club. I'm the fridging heir to a gang!!! The shock overwhelms me and I start to feel a bit of bile in my throat. Mum rushes over to me and hugs me tightly whispering soothing words in my ear, I carefully place Austin's undies back into his suitcase finding no point in hiding them because if anything I should probably be thanking him. Right? I stand up and start breathing heavily, all these questions...I just can't think straight.

"I'm...I'm..." I can't believe it so maybe if I don't say it maybe it will all just go away. I won't say it. I will not say it. I start pacing frantically around my bedroom only sub-consciously aware of my mother leave sobbing and someone else enter the room. How can everything go so pear shaped so quickly?
 I snap back to reality when warm and strong arms wrap around my waist and pull me into a tight embrace. I continue to shake and sob and mumble into the arms of this strong person. I'm not a leader I never have been and I probably never will, Scott was no father to me when I needed him and now he comes back expecting me to just be this Victoria woman junior. I hope he knows he's dreaming. And to top that all off my mother is acting like Scott didn't abandon us when I was 2 and then nearly kill me trying to make amends when I was 10. Could my life get anymore fuzzed up? Oh wait of course it can because the person stroking my hair and holding me on his lap on the edge of my bed is...Austin. Man, he showers fast! Not the point Jessie...

"What is happening to my life Austin?" I whisper. 

He chuckles, "Nothing you are just the most important person in the whole of Portland now." I can't help but laugh at his comment, it sounded funny when he put it like that.

"Sorry about this morning and um...thanks for helping me last night but... one question why are you helping me I thought you hated me?" 

I felt Austin sigh beneath me, "I was kind of a testing you, you know to see if you really were all Scott was bragging about." Hang on a minute. WHAT?!

"And am I?" I ask.

"Are you what?" Says Austin.

"All Scott says I am." I crane my neck up to look at him in his deep blue eyes.

"That's not up to me to decide. It's up to the elders." I nearly fall off my bed slash his lap laughing. Elders? Oh come on he has to be joking?

Austin stares at me like I've gone mental, "This is no laughing matter Jessie! The elders determine your future." I sober up immediately after that.

"No they don't nobody determines my future. I do and that's final. I can't believe that your little club has elders!" I shift on his lap to try and shake some sober into my system but I unsuccessfully end up in giggles.

Austin laughs, "That's my girl! Portland's going to have a nasty shock when the plane touches down. Speaking of planes we have a lot of history to catch up on so I'll help you get packed if you calm your chicken farm a bit ok? I promise I will explain everything on the plane." Well that sounds logical. Fine goodbye raging bull, I mean he did call me his girl so.....

I sigh, "Fine but I'm not sitting next to Scott." 
Austin winks at me, "That's why you're next to we can get to know each other."

I swallow. Austin if only you really knew me you'd be running for the hills by now. I will make sure I don't hurt you too. It won't happen again because I don't want history to repeat itself.

"Ok let's get packing."

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