We Want Ink Pt. 2

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 "Hey, Mom, can we have some soot?" I say as soon as I get home from the gate. Mom furrowed her brows for a second, and then smiled and said okay.

"I don't know what you two intend to use it for, but consider all the soot yours. This means you'll clean the hearth for me, right? And just saying, you'll get more if you clean the chimney too." The smile makes so much more sense now. I don't really enjoy cleaning, never had, excluding those random bursts of urges to clean, but that only happens maybe 4 times a year.

"Bwuh?! Aww...Okay. I guess that makes sense..." Myne, being pushed on by Mom, took some cleaning tools in hand and pumped herself up to clean some soot...when suddenly my mom stopped Myne in a panic.

"Hold it, Myne! ARe you planning to clean in those clothes?!"

"...Wha? Should I not?" Our clothes are already filthy and in tatters, but I guess these are considered our 'nice' clothes compared to what we wear at night. We can't afford to buy brand new clothes, so Mom ends up sewing old rags together for our clothes.

"Wait one moment, I'll be done in no time." Mom sewed some rags together and made Myne a new outfit, looking pleased when she finished. Myne changed into it, putting her hair up in an adult fashion (aka, a bun), presumably to minimize contact between her hair and the dirty rags, though she wore another rag on her head as a bandanna.

"Thanks for doing this, Myne!" I watch as she climbs into the hearth and starts scraping soot off the sides.

"Wha?! You're not gonna help!?" I thought she guessed that. She took all the tools, and she even got Mom to make her a new outfit. Even if I tried to help her, Mom would stop me.

"Naw, you got it! I believe in you!" I give a big thumbs up. "Besides, there's no room for me in the hearth anyway." I continued to watch Myne clean, and I helped her collect the soot that fell down from the chimney, placing it in a small holding container. It was all fun and games until Myne collapsed. I collapsed shortly after. It was strange. It's not like I actually did any work except for sitting and watching, and I know that I'm weak but not weak enough to collapse just from existing. I'm guessing I won't get any better until Myne gets better either. I let out a sigh. Guess I'm stuck following Myne again.

After we were healthy again, we went to the forest to get some clay to mix the soot with. "What are you guys gonna do with this stuff?" Lutz asked, sitting next to us.

"We're gonna make some fake slate pens!" I say, attempting to dig a hole where we once gathered clay from.

"Milli's really great at thinking up things. I wish I was as creative as her." Myne smiles towards Lutz. "Would you mind helping us get some clay?"

I brush off my dress and walk over to where the old clay tablets sat. "You and I both know that none of these ideas are mine. I'm just lucky enough to be smart enough to remember how things are made." I lean down and pick up some of the clay, inspecting it.

"Aww, come on, don't discredit yourself like that. I'm sure you're super creative." Myne hands me some soot, and I start molding it into the clay.

"I'm really good at thinking of impossible ideas, however I never have a clue on how to execute them, which makes my talent basically worthless if no one has the ability to actually construct my ideas."

"It's still a talent." Myne says as I mold the clay into lots of smaller soot pencils.

"There!" I hand over the soot pen to Myne.

"Perfect!" Myne carefully holds the soot pencil, like a mother with her child. "So how long do you two think we should dry them?"

"Meh?" Lutz lets out a confused sound.

"Maybe I should try cooking them." Myne ponders out loud.

"Don't bother. They'll explode again." Lutz says. I was gonna let Myne figure that out by herself again.

"Awwww..." Myne let out a disappointed sound, but she followed Lutz's advice and quietly let the soot pencils dry on their own.

Word Count: 733

A/N: Thank you for reading this chapter! Don't forget to comment (I love hearing your thoughts) and vote! Have a blessed day <3.

"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7 NIV

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