Chapter Seven

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And Saturday went by, Sunday passed, like a blur and now, it's Monday, another day for school.

I adjusted my tie and walked towards my classroom. I gulped, another day!!

I take my seat, not even bothering to mutter a "good morning" to any of my classmates. Most of them roll their eyes at me and snicker at my back, but I don't care. I just want to write my exams and get done with this school.

"Good morning Ajani!" Comfort says to me as I set my bag on my desk.

"How are you?" I ask her, though I didn't want to, but i just have this feeling that i could talk to her causally

"I am just there. The tension for this exams are really hitting in." She buries her head into the maths past question.

"I get you. But the life after secondary school is way more tough."

"Yay, way to boost my confidence!" Her voice dropoping with sarcasm

"I am finally rubbing off on you with the sarcastic tone"

"You are such a bad influence" She says jokingly and i smile too, is this what it feels like to talk to a friend?

"So which year have you solved?" I asked her, titling the book to face my direction. We don't really have a permanent seat position, you seat anywhere you please, no one cares.

"2018. I have solved at least 20 and I have given up."

"Could we perhaps study together, we can both solve together, that way, it's fun to learn." I offer, I don't know why i did but i just did

"Yeah, that's fine by me. Do you have a jotter? I have used up all the pages in mine."

"Yeah, I have a jotter" I state, reaching into my bag to grab the short booklet. "There!" I place it on my table and she takes it, flipping the pages.

"'No way! You could go for face modelling." Comfort said to me. We were done with solving maths an hour ago, so we just sat in the back, far away from the rest of the class.

"Face modelling?" I ask

"Yep. Don't see this as a compliment and boost your ego, but you really have a handsome face and your eyes are fascinating to look at. Face modelling is a thing, yes, and they are paid money for it. Go online, check out what face modelling entails."

"Modelling... Face modelling is far off from my mind at this moment." I say, scratching my hair. "How about you, what are your passions or what are you interested in?"

"Uhmm, I love art. I have a passion for drawing, I guess it's also a talent, I love manipulating colours on a canva to create art. Colours bring life. But as it is now, that's just a passion."

"Why do you say that? You can let the world know about this "passion and talent of yours" your crafts can be displayed in an art gallery." I tell her

"Yeah, yeah, I know that. Can't be dwelling on negative thoughts, eh?"

"Look what we have here. Comfort and the dumb kid are having a full on conversation, ooh, that's so romantic!" Samuel, the biggest jerk in the class walks over to our table

"He isn't dumb!" Comfort states

"I am not in the mood for any of your insults today. Leave me alone!" I grit my teeth at him. Adewale told me to stand up. And that's what I do. He can't be demeaning me every single time, making me feel so ashamed of myself.

"I should leave you alone? Are you playing or what?" He grabs the collar of my shirt. "You want us to fight, you want to fight back, the teachers are all having a meeting. So we are free to do whatever we want."

"I won't fight you. Get your hands off me" I say, grabbing his strong hold on my shirt, he tightens his grip on my collar.

Everyone in the class all hurry over to our desk, seeing that there is a commotion. That's what they live for. Fights and commotions!!

"Samuel, leave him alone, what did he do to you?" Richard, one of his friends asked

"You think you are special, because you have blue eyes, everyone loves you, everyone should pity you because you have got dyslexia?" He spits into my face and that was the last straw, I left rage control my emotions, my fist connects to his jaw, and he staggers back. The whole class goes wild, I don't stop, I still get dragged with rage, I rush to his side, delivering another punch to his face and then punch after punch, tears falling from my face. I feel strong hands holding me back. My vision is all blurry.

"Stop it. Stop hitting me" I hear a voice shouting at me, but i don't even know who the voice belongs to.

He thinks I am special because of what? Because I have got blue eyes, he thinks i am loved by everyone, when that's the opposite.
He doesn't have any right. He thinks i am dumb, well, I guess I am. Because he never hit me, I was the one who hit him and punched him over and over, so i am the dumb one.

All I know is that my head hurts, my vision is blurry and i don't know what else happens afterwards, i fall to the ground, embracing the darkness.

The school's nurse, who happens to be on duty that day, is quickly alerted by a concerned classmate. However, by the time she arrives, Ajani has already fainted. She rushes to his aid, assesses his condition, and calls for immediate medical assistance.

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