Chapter Three

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Comfort's words replay over and over again in my head.

I need to come out from my shell and shine.

My alarm beeps, I take a glance at the time. It's 8AM. It's a Saturday morning, making yesterday an end to a week of school.

I yawn, tossing my blanket away from my body. 

It was really cold yesterday night, so i slept under my blanket. Immediately I got back home from school, I removed my clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower and back on my bed and i slept over.

There was a beep sound coming from my bed, flipping the pillows over,my phone was underneath it.
I unlocked it with my finger print authentication to see a text message from my cousin, Adewale.
He was my mom's brother's son.

Adewale always had a special place in my life, when I was younger, I thought he was my elder brother, but as i got older, I realised he is my cousin, but to me, he was my brother. We were related by blood and the bond between us would never be broken.

The text read, Good evening cous. I am done with my third year exams and I'd be coming down to Lagos, I would stop by at your house for us to catch up. I have missed aunt and uncle.

Of course, I would be very happy if he comes over. It has been over a year since he came back home.

"Sup, Wale. I am happy that you are back home fr. It has been ages, just kidding, I literally called you a day before, but still, whenever you are back home, text me up and you also have a lot of things to share I am sure of that.

  I dropped the text and placed my phone in my pyjamas pocket, I go down on my knees and pray, getting up, I head downstairs to see my parents.

It's a Saturday, my dad would be home. My parents are actually well to do, my dad works at a petroleum company, and my mom owns a makeup company.

My dad is by the sink, pouring a jug of freshly squeezed orange juice into his cup. Freshly squeezed, I could see the orange peels packed at a side on the sink.

"Good morning sir!" I say to him, sitting down on the couch

"Good morning!" "Your mother informed me that your results are out, is that so?" He asks me, taking a seat opposite the couch i was sitting on

Oh, that. I literally forgot to tell them. I saw my results on my way home from school. But when I got back home, I was just too tired, I slept off

"Yes, ma is right. The results are out!" I state

"So, show me then. I didn't ask you just for confirmation, I asked to know your score. "

I fumbled for my phone, logged into the portal, and my results were displayed on the screen, desktop site mode, I stood up and handed the phone over to him

"Wow. I am really surprised. You actually outdid yourself. I was already thinking how I was going to bribe some of my friends, so you can at least get into university this year."

"You and mom don't believe in me, that's actually so sad. If I am ever going to achieve, obtain success, I wouldn't bribe my way. I'd rather work hard, fail and then rise up again than to bribe my way for anything worth achievable with hard work." I said

"You love talking back to your parent? Aren't you a talkative? You are just so ungrateful, that's what you are. Your parents are willing to anything for you not to run their name into the mud and there you are throwing words about hard work." He spat at me

"I am very sorry sir  if you consider me stating the obvious truth as talking back to you. Forgive me daddy!"  My response was reeked with sarcasm but he didn't need to know that.

"Adewale would be at our house soon enough. So, take a shower, get dressed and ready when he arrives." He says, standing up, handing my phone back to me and leaving me alone in the living room wondering why my parents never get to say the word "I am proud of you."

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