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Dear Readers,

I have been a long fan of fan fictions. Fan fiction about movies or characters. I love the character of superman and have read the fan fictions about superman. But lately I have not found any new ones or ones where the female lead is not a normal human. So, I have decided to write one myself.

I intend to draft a long book. One where we can see the characters grow and go on their own journeys. My inspiration has been the TV-show Superman and Lois. I love that show and would like to draft a book where we can see them grow, just like in the series.

Lastly, English is not my first language, so if you see any grammar mistakes, please let me know kindly.

Let us get into the story!!!



Of course, Henry Cavill.

Lauren Daniels:

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Lauren Daniels:

I leave her to your imagination! ;)

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