Chapter One

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Moonlight streamed through the window of a bedroom high in a castle tower, illuminating a slim figure slipping out of bed, and across the floor.

Tying her golden hair up in a bun, Lilly pulled on her slippers and robe, padding softly to the door.


She poked her hear around the edge of the door, looking down the spiral staircase. Torchlight flickered on the walls, lighting up her blue eyes. Everything was quiet. 

She scampered down the stairs, and through the castle halls, taking her chance.


Looking behind her, she ran right into someone. She looked up into her father's eyes.

"Where do you think you're going at this hour, young lady?"

"Uh... To get a drink of water?"

"The kitchen is the other way." He replied sternly, "Now, go get your drink, and go back to bed."

"Yes, father."

She'd have to try again another night.


Ever since she was very young, the forest that surrounded the castle had fascinated Lilly. Everyone said it was filled with dangerous monsters, but she wanted to see for herself. Now that she was eighteen, she more than ever wanted to explore the forest.

Lilly looked out the window, remembering that night years ago she had tried to escape the castle and explore the woods. She never had the chance after that night, as her father had posted guards outside her door at night. He was no fool.

However, she had a plan. 

Stuffing pillows under the covers, making it look as if she was fast asleep in bed. That should give her some time.

She unlatched the window, opening it. Cool night air washed over her face, fluttering the curtains.

She put up her hair, pulling on an old green dress that she loved, and a black cloak over that. Lastly, she slipped a study pair of slippers.

She opened the lid of the window seat, revealing a makeshift rope made of old sheets and blankets she had been collecting for some time.

Securing one end of the rope to the curtain rod, she let herself down slowly from the tower.

Reaching the ground, she moved quickly over to a small gate in the wall, half covered by vines. Pulling these away, she unlatched the gate, letting herself out of the castle.

The forest was filled with moonlight, dappling off the full leaves of mid-summer. Large oaks took up the majority of the space, interspersed with pine and ash. Fireflies flitted through the trees, and the sounds of owls and other night creatures filled the air. She stopped to soak it all in for a minute, before noticing a strange blue light further in the woods.

Without a second thought, she ran into the woods, cloak sailing behind her like a sail, towards the light.

Every time she got close to the light, it moved away from her, leading her deeper and deeper into the forest. Soon, the trees became ancient and gnarled, stretching their craggy branches to the sky. They blocked out every trace of moonlight, leaving the forest in total darkness.

Lilly began to get afraid, but she continued to follow the light, reminding herself this is what she had always wanted. To explore the forest.

The light stopped moving.

Stepping out into the clearing in which it had stopped, the moonlight once again flooding over her.

From the opposite side of the clearing emerged a figure clothed in black, covering everything except its eyes, which gleamed the same blue as the light she had followed here.

"Hello, princess." The figure said softly, pulling down his mask to reveal a handsome young man with pointed ears, "I've been waiting for you."

Lilly pressed her back against a tree, her eyes widening, "W-who are you?"

"I am Aymon."

"What are you doing in the forest, Aymon? It's supposed to be dangerous here."

"Princess Lilly, I am not afraid of the danger. I am the danger."

"You don't look dangerous."

"That's the point. If I were scary, would you have followed the light?"

"Probably not."

"You see what I'm getting at, then. My people aren't monsters, like the stories always say, though," he looked deep into her eyes, stepping closer, "Your father is the reason my people are exiled into the deep woods." His eyes began to glow brighter, drawing her into their depths. 

"I want to go home." She said, backing away.

"Don't you worry, princess. Just follow me wherever I go, from the top of the mountain to valley low. I'll give you the freedom you've been dreaming of, just let me in. I'll be the magic you crave in your life. You'll be safe under my control, just let me in, Lilly." He reached for her hand.

Hypnotized by Aymon's gaze, she took his hand, still staring into his eyes.

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