Fractured Bonds

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I may or may not have faced fake friends. But it might be relatable to some who faced this situation. Just want to say this " Each experience gives you lesson". You all are so strong. So proud of each one of you.🫶🫶

You all know the drill 😂🥹

Happy Reading!

Life can be terrible
But it's better than the fake friends
Those who once lived as a family,
Become strangers for life
Navigating path through the rocks,
Just like stones that weigh us in vain
Exposing truths about so-called
Nothing is more toxic than that.
It hurts,
When people change overnight
It hurts,
When your life turned upside down
It hurts,
When familiarity is scarce
Like your life is not yours anymore
It hurts,
Trust me,
Feeling is real
Struggle is real
I know this feeling
You are not alone

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