Chapter 29 - Mr Rossi...

Start from the beginning

Suki: Do you know when I can go back to school?

Gianni: It's too risky to go to school for at least one week. If you go out and someone accidentally bumps on you, what will you do?!

Suki: If I miss one week of school, I need to catch-up the lessons...

Gianni: Don't you have friends from your class that can help?

Suki: My only friend is Haru, and he is not in my class.

Gianni: Ask Dad and he will do the necessary. You're bothering yourself with unnecessary things.

It maybe seemed unnecessary for Gianni, but it was not for Suki. 

Gianni: You can also ask Vito to pick up your lessons and homework from your homeroom teacher.

Suki: Vito? (She shook her head.)

Gianni: Why not? You think that he would say no? (She nodded.)

Salvatore: (He came back.) Who would say no to what?

Gianni: She's worried about school and don't dare to ask Vito to contact her teacher for what she needs to catch-up during her absence.

Salvatore: I will contact your school tomorrow; you don't need to think about school for now. Recovery is the priority. Let's have dinner so you can rest early. 

Salvatore went to prepare something simple for dinner. Enzo and the twins arrived just in time to eat. The three young boys talked about a video game recently released while Salvatore and Gianni were exchanging about what seemed work subjects in the eyes of Suki. They were talking in Italian so she couldn't understand them.

She took her medicine during the meal and 10 minutes later, she felt tired just like every time she had taken them.

Salvatore called for the nurse and Suki excused herself and left the dining room first. She did her night routine with the help of the nurse, who checked on the little girl's injury before letting her sleep. Downstairs, Gabriel and Gianni just came back from their business tour.

After a quick sum up from their current activities and the situation regarding Tanaka, the night passed quietly for the men of the house. Suki only woke up once because of a nightmare while the nurse was checking on her. The woman was worried, and she proposed to inform Mr Smith, but Suki told her that she was fine.


The next morning, she woke up and prepared herself with the nurse's help then go downstairs for breakfast. Her 3 younger older brothers were already gone for school and university. Maria and Aldo learnt that Suki was hurt during the weekend, without the complete details and when the maid saw Suki entering the kitchen, she felt sorry for her.

Maria: Miss Suki, you should have call me... how... my poor girl, you're so brave and strong...

Chef Aldo: You need to eat healthy food to have a good recovery. I will prepare extra nutritious meals for you.

Suki: Thank you, both of you, and sorry to have worried you.

Maria: Please, don't be, you are our little Miss, we care about you.

Chef Aldo prepared something for Suki to eat in small pieces so that she didn't need to cut anything. The little girl talked a little with them before going to the living room. The house was really quiet. She though that her father left for their company, but he was just having few calls in his office in the garden house.

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