Chapter 11 - New friend...

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After Dante dragged Gabriel out, Salvatore asked Davide and Enzo to leave the kitchen too. He wanted to talk in private with Valentina, who was serving herself a glass of wine, instead of coffee.

Salvatore: Valentina, what was that? (His tone was cold.)

Valentina Rossi: You are asking that to me? Your sons are disrespectful to me! And you... you hid that you have that...

Salvatore: That, what? Be careful with your words. You have already crossed the line more than enough today!

Valentina Rossi: Can't you understand that it's difficult for me?

Salvatore: What is difficult? You are not concerned by that!

Valentina Rossi: Not concerned? (She spoke louder.) I am your fiancée! Your wife to be!

Salvatore: I repeat, my daughter is not of your concern. You had very disgusting words toward her, and it is not acceptable. And your behavior is also not appropriate in this house! You're an adult, act like one or do not come here! 

Valentina was angry at her fiancé's reaction. She didn't expect him to be so cold with her. Salvatore was not really affectionate with her, but at list, cordial most of the time. They sometimes spent the night together, but for the Mafia's Boss, it was only to satisfy his needs. She was expecting feelings behind those moments but there wasn't. She was part of the business deal Salvatore had with her father, nothing more, nothing less.

Valentina Rossi: Salvatore... (She took a softer voice and came closer.) I'm sorry... don't be mad at me... I missed you so much and I was so happy to come here...

Salvatore: You should go home... (He detached her arm from his.)

Valentina Rossi: Don't reject me... it's been weeks since we...

Salvatore: Go home.

Salvatore left the kitchen, letting behind a fuming Valentina. She grabbed her bag and left with anger, banging the entry door, humiliated by the man she loved.

Upstairs, Suki had found refuge in her bedroom. She was so shaken that she didn't take the time to lock the door, she entered the bathroom and sat behind the door, crying. Here no one could see her. But her moment alone to calm down didn't last long. Gabriel's voice resonated through the door.

Gabriel: Suki... it's... Gabriel... I know that you are hurt by that woman's words... but you know that it's not true. That bi... woman is stupid, don't mind words of stupid people... you are a smart kid... Suki?

Suki: I... I prefer... to be alone... please... Mr Gabriel...

Gabriel: (He sighed and laid his forehead against the door.) Alright, I will let you rest, but don't stay lock inside of this.

Enzo: (He just entered.) Gab... (Gabriel shook his head.) Give her some time. (He went out, followed by his brother.)

Gabriel: Fu**! I don't get why Father keeps that bit** with him!

Enzo: She must be good in bed! (Gabriel glared at him.) Don't know... just guessing... because she is not the smartest nor the kindest!

Salvatore saw his two sons coming downstairs, Gabriel was annoyed.

Salvatore: Gabriel... did you talk with Suki? How is she doing?

Gabriel: She wants to be alone. Where is that woman?

Salvatore: I asked her to leave. (He rubbed his forehead.) I didn't expect that she would barge here like that.

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