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Kavya's pov

It's been two days since that incidence , how I cried in his embrace for hours histerically, unable to catch my breath while he kept saying sorry to me until I lost my consciousness. 
It's been two days I didn't had a glance of him, he used to stay in his room all day even his meals were taken to his room .
Everything felt so cold In my heart , I hated him but at the same time After witnessing his vulnerability my heart wanted to give him a last chance. A hope to be not left broken again was being planted in my heart , I wanted to kill it but it felt so pleasing as it bloomed. I craved for his attention this time. My feets were much finer now , I can take a few steps at a time not much, the doctor treated me well in these two days but Rajveer never came to check up on me. It made me sad , is he planning to give up on me? Not knowing why ,even this thought is Making me crazy.
Chewing down the food uninterestingly, determined to talk with him today I hastily chugged down the glass of water and I marched towards his room , the door was locked , I knocked on the door thrice until I heard the screw clicking
Indicating that someone opened the door from inside but soon as the door opened fully I heard him,"I told you I don't want to ea- kav-kavya?" hesurely didn't expect me , he slurpped down whatever he was blabbering and looked at me tensed " do- do you need anything kavya" he asked rashly while I scanned him up and down . Navy blue full sleeved sweatshirt with gray trackpants, *who the fuck wears full sleaves in summer* I thought as i kept eyeing him, house slippers, the dark circles under his eyes were fully noticeable,  his messy hairs altogether he looked like he haven't eaten for days. Pushing him aside I went in " oh my god" that's the only thing that could come out of my mouth after seeing his room's condition " God what have you been doing" I asked as I looked around , papers scattered everywhere, the bed covers were untied ,empty alcohol bottles on the floor , the decorative items were laying all around the room .

I looked towards him as he asked" if you don't need anything please leave kavya" " I will not until you tell me what is wrong,  you don't come outside your room , don't talk to anyone and now you even look like you haven't slept or eaten for days , if you don't even plan to interact with me then why are you even keeping me here with you" I bombarded him with questions but got no reply , he was just standing there staring at me , he Cleary looked like he was in no condition to reply anything so I calmed my nerves down and asked politely "have you eaten lunch"" please go kavya I am not in the mood" " I asked have you eaten anything Rajveer" my monotone did forced him to answer " no" I sighed and asked again" have you eaten anything since yesterday " he stood there staring at my soul while faintly shaking his head as a no .
"Goodness ,what is wrong with you , why would you do that?" I took his hands jerking him by surprise attempting to take him downstairs for his lunch but his sudden hisss stopped me from doing so , I looked back at him , he was staring at his forearm as I held it , I could sense something was wrong as I took no time to hold his hand stiffly and rolled up his sleeves just to witness quiet a good number of cut engraved deep into his skin definitely looks like nobody even cared to treat them, " shit what the hell " I said as I gazed back at him , " kavya you were not supposed to do that" " shut up , you didn't even treated it" " I am fine"he pretended " no you are not, why would you do such a thing. If you were bothered you could have talked with me , why would you hurt yourself , this is insane".

I quickly searched for the first aid as I dragged him downstairs making him sit on the kitchen stool, " you don't need to do this " he said I stood in front of him with the bandages and ointment," no but who will, your mistressess""KAVYA" he shouted but I was not letting him command me anymore"SHUT UP" sure he was taken a back by the sudden shout and kept quiet , staring at me as i  put ointment on the wounds " ahhh shit" I looked at him once and the continued doing my job again. After bandaging, " what do you want to eat" I stared at him darkly nowhere interested to take anymore Shits from him and he seemed like he understood that -"cheese pasta".

I stared at him as he devoured into the dish like he haven't eaten for days , expectable  from a person who actually haven't eaten. He looked cute eating like a baby as the cheese lined his lips.
" I think we have a lot to talk about" I said as soon as he finished, " about what?". "Why did you ignored me for the past two days , why did you didn't came out and specially why were you hurting yourself ?" " this hurt dosent even matter infront of what I did to you and I stopped seeing you because I thought you would be uncomfortable upon seeing me and I could never think of ignoring you I jus- just-" he stopped mid sentence, " you may have done a bad thing to me but self harming is not right way to punish yourself-" I got cut off by him" well, you crying about what I did wrong and suffering alone was also not justified for something you never did. So if I tried to take even an small ounce of pain, to feel you I think it is ok".
" you don't understand do you? I don't need your validation Rajveer. And you hurt me beyond any physical pain so you could never justify it even if you harm yourself so stop with these bullshit * I sighed* you could prove yourself if you change and become a better human" I mumbled the last part.
                                        " do I have a chance to?"he asked as he eyed me with the same hope he had two days ago , I could see it blooming in his eyes . How long should I make him suffer , should I give him a chance or just withdraw . My brain stumbled upon few questions as he stared at me deeply anticipating my possible answer, I could see him holding his own hand while shaking his legs under the table in anxiety.
His eyes sparkled as I put my hands on the table in front of me relieving a deep sigh. I looked towards him ," if you could prove yourself in one month I'll try but I am not sure yet, if you can't you have to let me go".
" really really ?* I nodded * I'll do anything in my power to achieve your feelings back , even if the sky is falling down I'll never betray you . Thank you so much" he looked so happy , his eyes said it. He came jumping towards me picking me up in his arms swirling around I pure joy" hey hey stop , don't forget my feets still hurt" as soon as I said that he put me on my feets slowly " I am sorry but you are really giving me a chance , I am so happy" he said as I could see the building tears in his eyes . He hugged me , the Warm embrace which I once felt safe In was embracing me again , the same feeling as those in the past. It felt so good to feel it after a long time but......I did not hug him back.

Hope you like this part.🥰 do vote if you liked it please don't be a silent reader.

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