Part Twelve: "The Taking of Maxxine Novak and Shelly Grace"

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"You have powers?!" Shelly asks Bonnie. "I know, it seems impossible, but I really do! I could shove somebody into the wall without even touching them. You're the first person I'm telling about this, unless if somebody else knows." "So why not just use it on our kidnapper?" "Shelly, I don't know how strong my powers are. I can control it, but it might be a bit too strong for my mind to control, and I may end up accidentally hurting somebody, or even killing somebody!" "Well, if that seems to be the case, we can practice your powers in here. Do you know what makes your powers stronger or uncontrollable?" "No? Maybe? Kind of? I'm not really too sure, but when I'm scared or frightened, things move! I'm scared of what I'm capable of!" "Let's just practice for now, we'll get out of here in some kind of way. Let's make it quick though, he may come down here in any minute." Shelly went over to the top right corner and then placed two cardboard boxes she grabbed in front of Bonnie. "Now, move these boxes without touching them." What Shelly had in mind was to sneak up onto Bonnie and scare her by quietly shouting "Boo!" She had absolutely no clue if it would work or not, but she prayed to herself that it would work. Bonnie continued to focus on the boxes, and they moved with ease. Shelly carefully crawled up to Bonnie, getting so close that she could hear her breathing. Finally, Shelly whispered, "Boo!" in her ear. Bonnie flinched, yet not seeming real surprised. The boxes, however, flew across the room, knocking over the wooden chairs. "Crap, Shelly, you're gonna get us both in danger!" "Sorry!" What Shelly had learned is that even the slightest jump scare that Bonnie receives triggers an alert in her head. That alert tells her brain that danger is nearby, and it triggers her "TK" as a self defense mechanism.

Their kidnapper had heard the clamoring downstairs, and suspected something was wrong. He stopped fabricating on his drug that he was making for both Shelly and Bonnie to make them lose full consciousness over their bodies. He walked downstairs to meet the faces of Shelly and Bonnie, his basement demolished and filled to the brim with boxes, and their eyes meeting his. His beaten eyes looked through the pitiful souls of Bonnie and Shelley, both of them loathing the feeling of severe eye contact that he was providing them. Out of pure shock, he runs back upstairs to his kitchen and grabs his M1 Garand. The time taken when he ran upstairs was spent on panicking and hyperventilating, Bonnie on the brink of tears. He dashes back downstairs with the gun pointed at them both. "I'm gonna shoot if you don't sit your asses back down!" "What if I don't?" "Then I'll blow your brains out!" Bonnie focused. "How about this, you let us go, and I don't blow your brains out?" Bonnie focused even harder. "...What do you mean by that?" Seconds after he had questioned Bonnie, he fainted. She did it. She successfully made another living being  faint. She swiftly grabbed the M1 from him, not knowing how to use it. "God, how do I shoot? There's too many triggers to pull, I'm gonna end up shooting anybody but him!" "I don't know what to do! I'm not educated in the use of guns!" "Do I pull this one? God, it's stupid, but I'll risk it." Bonnie pulled the trigger, missing him, shooting the wall.

Awoken from his rest, the kidnapper, half-conscious, grabs the end of the muzzle, expecting Bonnie not to shoot. Yet she did. Blood ran down his hand in a matter of seconds just like a leaking faucet.
"I'm nothing like you." Bonnie uttered. "You're a kidnappin', murderin', sex fiend; I'm a princess! The whole world knows my name!" Bonnie screams. "I will not accept a life I do not deserve." She says, her breath shaking and echoing breathily. She stared into her abductor's eyes. They looked cold, empty, and heartless. He was looking through her bodily figure, his drenched hand shaking rapidly. "Stop just starin' at me!" She shouts. After all of that discussion, she finally pulled the trigger. His heart went cold in a matter of seconds, foam flooding his mouth. She stared at his lifeless body with wonder; who would do a thing like this to people? People with feelings? People with hearts? People with a purpose in life? The questions killed her. Mama was right all along. She can't live like this. She's still young, naïve, and really miserable. "Let's go." Shelly muttered.

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