Chapter 3 : Threads of fate

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Siya's perspective

Today's my dear friend Shivika's wedding in Jaipur, and she's invited me with so much love that I can't possibly miss it, despite not feeling well. I dragged myself out of bed, completed my morning routine, and was deciding what to wear when my dad called me downstairs with his characteristic high voice. I know he's never been fond of me, typical Indian father that he is, wanting a boy instead. Still, I love him and hope he'll accept me one day.

As I went downstairs, I saw him eating breakfast while Mom looked at me with emotional eyes, confusing me. He asked me to sit beside him and demanded me to join the family business, but I refused. That's when the drama began. He shouted, and I stood my ground, until finally, he left for work. I took a deep breath and smiled at Mom, who still looked worried.

Later, I retreated to my room, thinking about the project with Kunal, only to realize I forgot to take his phone number! Just then, Mom knocked on the door, carrying a stunning golden saree. She told me to wear it to the wedding, and I was overjoyed.

"Momma, you're too sweet!" I said, hugging her tightly. "I love you so much!"

"I love you too, beta," she replied, her voice filled with warmth. "I want you to look beautiful today, not just for Shivika's wedding, but for yourself. You deserve it."

"Thanks, Momma. You always know how to make me feel better," I said, smiling.

"I just want you to be happy, Siya. Don't worry about your father's behavior. He'll come around eventually," she said, her eyes filled with a deep understanding.

"I hope so, Momma. I really do," I said sighning

Our conversation took like a gentle stream. We talked about Shivika's wedding, my project with Kunal, and our shared love of music. Mom's unwavering support and encouragement filled my heart with joy and strength. I felt grateful for this special bond we shared, a bond that made me feel seen and loved.


I felt a bit embarrassed, admitting to my mom that I had no idea how to wear a saree. But she just smiled and said, "That's okay, beta! I'm here to help you. But remember, I won't always be around to tie your saree for you."

I pouted like a baby, "But why not, Momma? I don't want to leave you!"

She chuckled and said, "All girls have to go to their own homes eventually, Siya. But don't worry, your husband will be very caring and loving. He'll always respect you."

I frowned, thinking about my father's behavior. "What if he's like Papa, Momma?"

My mom's expression turned stern, "No, beta! Your husband will be a heera (diamond )have faith . He'll love and support you, not try to control or hurt you. You deserve all the happiness in the world, and I'll make sure you get it."

Her reassuring words made me feel a bit better, but I was still nervous about the future. Little did I know, my life was about to take a dramatic turn, and my mom's words would become a reality sooner than I thought!

Kunal's perspective

As I woke up, my mind wandered to the recent incident with Rohan's grandfather. I hoped it wouldn't create any tension today. I called Rohan to confirm if he was still attending the wedding... yes, today is our jigri yaar kiaan Thakur's wedding, and he answered on the second ring.

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