Dearest Angel,

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If you were privy to the entire saga, you would undoubtedly be on my side. Right now, you're under the mistaken impression that I trust them. That you trust them. But alas, my dear sister, you are sorely mistaken.

Trusting anyone completely is a fool's errand. Nobody. Not even yours truly. No one is purely virtuous. Especially not me. I reside firmly in the realm of evil and malice. Fairy tales are where happily ever after belongs, and that's where it should stay. Call me Narcissistic, if you must. I couldn't care less. I am fully aware of my flaws, and frankly, it's none of anyone's business.

 You, my dear, live in a fantasy world. I, on the other hand, am stuck facing the harsh realities of life. You probably won't even bother reading this. But if by some miracle you do, take my words to heart. 

Knowing me, I won't be sticking around for much longer. So consider this a moral compass of sorts. Or something equally beneficial. I wouldn't know. But heed my advice. I've been through more than you could ever imagine, all while you remained blissfully ignorant. And I made sure to keep it that way. 

You wouldn't look at me the same if you knew the truth. If you're reading this now, you'd pester me relentlessly for answers. And I'm sorry, but I lied. The burden of truth was too heavy to bear. It's not so much the truth itself that terrifies me, but the fact that I enjoyed it. That thought is more unsettling than I care to admit. Fear is a weakness, and weaknesses can be exploited. Let me make it crystal clear - the Carolina you thought you knew was a facade. It was all an act. The real Carolina revels in black, is devoid of emotion, and is a certified psychopath. 

My brain is clearly a prime candidate for a mental institution. I chuckle because it's just so obvious. The scary truth? Oh, I know it all too well. But of course, you, my dear sister, refuse to believe a word I say. You're so predictable. It's almost comical how easily they manipulated you, playing on your emotions like a fiddle. You're so easily swayed by their tricks, unlike me. And guess what? It actually stings a little. Yes, that's right, I'm feeling something for once. Shocking, I know. In these letters, I'll do my best to spell it all out for you. But don't get your hopes up - my best isn't exactly reliable.

Don't fall for their lies,
Don't let them destroy you,

Carolina Evans

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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