Ch. 2 Arrangement for the Future

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It has been two months time sense the declaration of peace between Alpha and Omegas. The shoulders have finally been discharged and were sent home.

Meanwhile, Kronii was summoned to the top generals and her father for a meeting for the future plans for up holding the peace.

Kronii has just arrived in front of the meeting room. On the other side she could hear them chatting with each other. Kronii readies herself as she take a deep breath and knocks. A servant opens the door for her, on the other side she could see her father, as well as Admiral Watson of the Alfas, Admiral Mori of the Omegas. Along with another person she has yet to meet, a girl sitting next to Admiral Mori. Kronii could only assume that she was also apart of the Omega's army.

Kalvin Ouro: "So we agree on placing these degradation under the Beta's rights... Ah there's my daughter."

Kalvin turns at the last second to notice Kronii at the seat next to his. Kronii rolled her eyes knowing that her father never truly paid her any attention to her until she joined the army. Kronii looks across the table to see a shy but quite Omega with long black hair light velvet eyes. She was certainly pretty in Kronii eyes.

Admiral Watson: *cough* "Right then. Now that First Lieutenant Ouro has now joined us. Let up proceed with securing the plans for peace between the Omegas and the Alphas. Thanks to our General Affair Manager, Kalvin Ouro, we have built up a good foundation for the road ahead. And has agreed with his daughter Ouro Kronii in leading the other Alphas and Omegas in bilateralism."

Kronii's was in shock. Her father never told her about such plans, nor asked for her approval for volunteering. Kalvin noticed Kronii disbelief, and subtly shot her a warning to not act out. Kronii backed down from voicing her complaints and continued to sit there quietly.

Admiral Mori: "Our Omega government officials have also come to agree with these terms. And has selected one of our famous artists from our many celebrities, Ninomae Ina'Nis. With her accomplishments and donations towards insuring our peace stays strong, and First Lieutenant Ouro Kronii's great accomplishments durning the war, together they will be our first united couple between our two races."

Everyone clapped to congratulate them for the first unity of matrimony between a local Beta from the Alpha side, and an Omega. Kronii was in disbelief of what her father has just forced her to do. Kronii looked at the Omega girl and she looked away in embarrassment and lightly bows to her.

Ina: "...I-I will be in your care."

With the meeting officially over and the finer details sorted for their marriage. Kronii pulls her father away from lingering ears.

Kronii: "Why didn't you tell me that you sold me off for the sake between the Alphas and Omegas!"

Kalvin once warm smile turned cold and harsh. The true face that Kronii was all to familiar with.

Kalvin: "I had to do something to keep you from coming back to ruin the Ouro family name. You and your brother were so different from each other. He did so many great things for the family, only for him to die in the war shortly after joining. Luckily you were kind enough to join to take his place."

Kronii grit her teeth, that was not why she joined. She greatly admired Krono for his accomplishments and wanted to do right by following him for herself, not for the family.

Kalvin: "But now that the war is now over. I had to make sure that your efforts did not go in vain. So I offered the idea of uniting you with an omega celebrity of their choosing. They wanted to unit a omega and an alpha, but i managed to change their plan. Telling them that it would be too soon to find and use an Alpha to wed an Omega. Creating you an opening for a common Beta to help bridge the two. *sigh* if only you were born an Alpha like your brother was would i have not been so troubled with doing such things for you."

Kronii was furious at her father.

Kronii: "By throwing away my own freedom! Mother made the Beta act to help free the Beta's from..."


Kalvin gave Kronii a hard slap to the face, turning her cheek red and causing her to fall to the floor. Kalvin looked down at her daughter.

Kalvin: "What your mother did was cause chaos in the Alpha community. Standing up for Beta's and their freedom of independence. That woman almost cost me my entier career. If i would have known that she would die giving birth to a Beta i would have divorced her long ago. Its insulting to the Ouro family to show such sympathy to lowly Beta's... Now its even worse now that Alpha's are shaking hand in the name of peace."

Kronii couldn't believe what she was hearing. Sure she knew that she didn't have the greatest relationship with her father. But to hear that he was so prejudice towards not only Beta's but Omega's as well.

Kronii: "Then Why Did you contribute to the peace treaty so much!?"

Kronii's father shouted in anger and frustration.

Kalvin: "Why Else Kronii! Profit! Your mother spent so much of the Ouro family money for the Bate movement that we were almost living on the streets! Luckily for me i was able to manage our profits well enough for that to not happen."

Kalvin pinches the bridge of his nose.

Kalvin: "Why am I even telling you this? Just because you are your mother's daughter to the Ouro family and a Beta puts such a bad taste in my mouth. If it wasn't for your family's fortune i would have never married her. You better show me more graduated for insuring your future when you return home."

Kalvin turns to walk away, only for Kronii to brake down in tears. She truly wanted peace to all races. Not just the Alphas and Omegas. But for the Beta's too, however after hearing what her father had to do in order for her to accomplish them. Hurt far worse than any wound she received from her time on the battle field.

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