chapter 25 - The end

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Been in ulsan for like a month or so:

How many days has it been? I lost count actually, I thought I had made a mistake moving to ulsan- a completely new environment for me rather than Incheon or busan where I atleast knew where everything was cause the moment we became explorers tons of shit went wrong

"No no it's okay it's okay,  we'll find your wallet okay?" Changbin assured as I started freaking out, it wasn't just a wallet , it had everything,  like everything

I wasn't scared that some rando was gonna use my money, I could just freeze my account. I was scared that some fucking Psycho was gonna get all my personal details,my ID, what I looked like everything,  and probably impersonate if not pull a hanibal move on me

"I knew coming here was a mistake" I groaned as I held back my tears as his embrace did nothing but comfort me before I could cry even more a mid teen looking boy tapped my shoulder making me pull away from Changbin

"Excuse me Noona , i found this in Wae-sang noodle shop, where my father works, I had to follow you around for a bit cause it took you a while to realise you had left your wallet on the table and I was a bit too scared to give it to you immediately just in case you were to murder me"

That makes two of us

He rubbed the back of his neck before bowing and giving my wallet back to me , thank the heavens and the man who raised this lovely boy

You thought that was it?..haha
The morning after that

"Y/n have you seen my blue headban- oh Jesus fucking holy Christ, what happend to your face" Changbin mid yelled as he held the area right by his heart , confused I stood up to go look into the mirror and I swore even shrek didn't have bad looking days

Turns out I had somewhat eaten something I was allergic to that just not just give me a swollen lip but a swollen nose,cheeks,eyelids and made my eyes almost non existent

And the funny part was that the man who almost died seeing me was comforting me saying I didn't look that bad

"No no you look amazing trust me" he said trying his bad to not keep laughing whenever I made an expression with my temporary face

"Fuck you seo Changbin" I whined and with swollen lips let's say I sounded disfunctioned  and that made him burst out laughing rolling on the floor clutching his stomach... that fucker

"I told you not to try that weird looking shit but nooo you wanted to go all out" he said in-between breaths as he kept laughing

"That's it you're sleeping on the floor" I yelled and he kept laughing and soon enough I actually joined in

Ahh what would I have been if I didn't have that man in my life?

"Seong y/n"


"Are you daydreaming again?"

"Daydreaming? Ha no I'm just recalling all the ways I almost died in just one week" I said with a fake sob making the older man roll his eyes "that happened literally two months ago"

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