From the beginning

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Summer and Aiden have known each other since diapers. There mothers were inseparable since middle school year. They had summer and Aiden around the same time which resulted in the two young kids being inseparable. When they started elementary school they were always together, they sat together at lunch, read to each other, played together at recess, all the girls thought Summer was weird for that and made fun of her all the way through 5th grade. But it was okay because she had Aiden. And Aiden had her. They thought they didn't need other friends. When middle school hit they drifted apart for a while when they tried to find their own groups and find their place but that didn't happen very well. Summer was weird and shy and a bit of a reader and she wrote poems and was always top of her class. She was to weird for the girls and to smart for the guys. Aiden however was too dumb for the smart people and to athletic for the weird kids. He had his own group for a while until they found out he was basically Summers brother. They didn't take that well. So eventually they decided to just not care what anyone thought and stay inseparable friends. Up until their freshman year of high school...

Word count: 223

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