My angel (Changlix)

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He fell from Heaven, wings got ripped on the proses, he safetly on a pile of soft leaves. Felix was a fallen angel who was punished for breaking the rules on Heaven. He was Confused, Astray, and Scared of he's Surroundings. He knew that humans are cruel beings and full of bad people, this led him to a conclusion that all humans are Evil.

He was exploring his surroundings and notice bunch of huge trees around. It was a forest. A place he wasn't fond of. He looked around at the place and saw creatures looking at him, scared of him....or so he thought.

He looked back to see a human, looking at him amazed and had a gun with him, mouth opened wide, staring at him with silence. The Man then pointed the gun at him.

"You'll be worth a load. That for sure" he said laughing.

And Felix knew damn well he had to run. Being held at gun point, he knows he'll die. He used his one wing to  protect him and sprinted to make the man lose sight of him. Luckily the forest was a huge and had lots of places to hide, with he's wing he knows he'll get spotted easily, but he can't fly either with just only one wing. So he hid under a big oak tree that had a huge hole (small actually, but enough for him to go inside)  and hid there. He sawed the man, still running and passing by the oak tree. He felt safe in the oak tree, so he was planning to stay put until midnight, there were some bunnies around him. They were scared at first, but Felix was known for his kind and sweet soul from above. And they easily opened up with him.

After staying under the tree for 2 days straight, he decided to find foods to feed himself with. He looked around the forest to find food and ended up finding a tree filled with apples, and not far away was a house near it. He avoided the house by any way he could.


Felix flinched while turning to his back with full speed. There....he sawed a human, and again, looking at him amazed, since he didn't had energy left in his body (since he hadn't eaten) the only thing he can do was cover himself with his only wing.

"H-.....Hello there.." He said with his soft voice. Felix, alarmed, tensed up even more and tried sprinting and tripped over a rock onto some pebbles and scratched his wings on the proses.

"Whoa, whoa fella....careful, you're hurt"

Felix was still tensed up since his situation was worse than before. And not long after blacked out, by his dizzyness (if not wrong when peopls haven't eaten, they could blackout).

" awake i see"
Felix hearing a voice, got startled and sitted up almost immidately, then felt a stinging pain on his wings.

"Ah, you ok?"

Felix said, backing away from the boy who sitted next to him.

"In my house...."

Still confused, he looked around the place, he's never seen this place before...

"Yup, house"
"What's this soft thing im sitting on??"
"That's called a couch"

Unconsciously he started talking to the boy, getting less tensed than before.

"May i ask who are you?, and what"

"I'm Lee Felix Yongbok....a fallen angel......, you are?"

"My name is Seo Changbin, call me Changbin for how did you get here??"

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