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Shen Wei Breathe heavily and uses his inhaler to calm himself down

"Where are they?" He said to himself and again dialled his father's number

Mr. Shen's eyes fell on his phone and he quickly picked it up

"Papa you all forgot about me?" Wei complains and his father stands to go to his son

Yunlan comes to him and holds his arm "I am going to pick him papa. Please stay with dad. He needs you this time and everyone also"

Mr. Shen nod and Yunlan goes to pick Shen Wei

Yunlan reached there and faces his sulking wife

"Why you came now? What was the need of coming now? Where is my papa? I don't want to go with you"

He crosses arms and pout angrily "You know how much hungry I am right now?" Wei complains again and Yunlan was standing silent

"He needs food and if he goes home and comes to know about Lin than he will stop eating. Baby's health is also at risk"

Yunlan thinks and forcefully hugs him in his arms

Shen Wei was trying to free himself but he gets shocked when few drops of water fell on his face and he looks up

"What happened Yunlan?" Wei get worried
"Baby.... " Yunlan cried more
"Yunlan what happened to you?" Wei free himself
"Your okay?" Wei wipes his eyes
"I am..... baby....." Yunlan was unable to hide sorrow
"Yunlan..." Shen Wei start to panic and Yunlan get attentive

"I am fine. Am hungry" Yunlan control himself
"No your lying. What happened?" Wei was shocked
"Baby actually.... mom scolds me" Yunlan lied and cries harder
"She scold you because of me?" Wei's eyes were crying now
"No not because of you. because of your Lin ge" Yunlan feels his heart was bursting

"Yunlan..." Wei was crying now and Yunlan forcefully smile and holds his chin

"Let's eat something. I am very hungry" Yunlan said
"......" Wei was silent

Yunlan takes his hand and they goes to a restaurant. After eating Yunlan gives him medicine to eat and they comes back home.

Wei feels scared because a lot of people were gathered in his house and his father was standing at the door holding Xinci

"Yunlan what happend?" Wei get scared and refuse to get off the car
"Come" Yunlan holds his hand and help him to come out

Yunlan was tightly wrapping his shoulders protectively. He comes inside and sees everyone was crying badly

"What happend here?" His heart was very scared and he did not understand what exactly happening here

Zhujiu sees Wei and comes to him "My baby!" He hugs him and start crying as well.

Yunlan cries and Hong comes running and she hugs Yunlan
"Yunlan my husband....... He left me" She was crying very badly and Yunlan feels bad about her. He hugs her and both cries

"Baby, your Lin ge is no more. He dies in a car accident" Zhujiu reveals and Shen Wei stumbled. He may fell if Zhujiu was not holding him tight between his arms

Shen Wei's eyes widened as he processed the news. His legs gave way, and he collapsed into Zhujiu's arms.

Zhujiu held him tight, tears streaming down his face.

"No...no...no...This can't be happening! Baby?" Zhujiu shout, his body shaking uncontrollably.

Yunlan rushed to his side listening to Zhuji's shout, Yunlan holds Wei tight. "Shen Wei, please...calm down...your health..."

Sang, who had been watching this comes running, his eyes filled with tears "Baby? I'm so sorry. I know how much Lin ge meant to you."

Shen Wei's eyes fell on Sang, and he stumbled towards him, tears streaming down his face. Sang opened his arms, and Shen Wei hug him sobbing uncontrollably.

Sang held him tight, and whispers "I'm here for you, baby. I won't leave you. You're not alone. We all are with you"

As Shen Wei's sobs stopped, Sang makes him sit on a chair, and Wei faint suddenly

His body exhausted from the emotional turmoil
Yunlan approached them, his eyes filled with worry

"Shen Wei, please...take your medicine...your health is at risk..."

Yunlan picks him up in his arms and runs inside the room, still tears streaming down his face.

After placing Wei on bed, Yunlan runs outside and talks to Zhujiu. He advised him to stay with Shen Wei and take care of him

Yunlan hugs him and gives medicine to Shen Wei again.

As the medication took effect, Shen Wei's breathing stabilized, but his eyes never left Yunlan's face and both cries again hugging together

Three weeks passed

Meanwhile, Hong, still reeling from her own loss began to cling to Yunlan seeking solace in his presence.

She often follow him around the house, holding his hand, and gazing up at him with tears in her eyes trying to seek his attention

Shen Wei was already fragile and emotional. He began to feel a pang of insecurity.

He couldn't help but notice the way Hong was looking at Yunlan, and the way Yunlan was patiently tolerating her affections.

One day, they were all sitting in the living room, Hong snuggled up close to Yunlan, resting her head on his shoulder.

Shen Wei's eyes narrowed, and he felt a surge of jealousy.

"Yunlan...can I talk to you for a minute?" Shen Wei asked very softly

Yunlan nodded and he gives Cheng back to his mother and followed Shen Wei to their room.

"What's wrong, Wei?" Yunlan asked with worry

Shen Wei's eyes get filled with tears
"It's just...Hong jiejie...she's always clinging to you...and I feel like...I'm losing you..." His voice trembling

Yunlan's expression softened, and he pulled Shen Wei into a warm embrace.

"Oh, Wei...I'm so sorry...I had no idea you were feeling this way...You're not losing me, baby...I'm always here for you..."

But Shen Wei's insecurities had already taken root, and he couldn't shake off the feeling that he was being replaced in Yunlan's affections.

As the days passes, Shen Wei start getting silent. He hardly speaks to anyone and this worries his family and more his father

The family grew increasingly worried about him. They tried to engage him in activities, but he showed no interest.

He stopped taking care of his medicine, and his health began to deteriorate further. He was scared that Hong will snatch his husband from him.

Yunlan, always stayed beside himself with worry.

"Baby, please...talk to me...what's going on in your head?" Yunlan begged and his voice was cracking with emotion.

Wei simply hugs him and cries in his arms "Don't leave me Yunlan" He said and sleeps in Yunlan's arms

"We need to do something... baby is slipping away from us..." Zhujiu said with trembling voice

"I know...but what can we do? He won't even talk to us..." Yunlan replied and get worried

Thank you

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