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Doctor comes out "Who is his mother?" Mrs. Xinci steps forward before Shen Wei's father can speak

"I am his mother. What happened?" She was worried.
"Come inside" Doctor came back with her and she cries when she sees Shen Wei mumbling "mama mama" in his unconscious state.

She holds his hand and his expressions changed into calm one and he sleeps. She was crying when doctor injects his arms two times.

After some time, doctor comes out because Yunlan's mom refuses to leave Shen Wei alone

"What happened?" Mr. Shen asks
"He is asthma patient?" Doctor asks back. "Yes," his father replied.
"You guys are not taking care of him," Doctor said.
"We take good care of him, doctor" Zhujiu said

"If this is true, then it's good. But still be more careful with his diet and medicines because asthma can lead to other diseases if we are careless"

"What you mean?" Xinci asked this time. "His heart is not functioning properly" Doctor said,
"What?" Yunlan stumbles and his father holds him.

"Be careful. If you keep being careless, he may suffer heart attack and try to make him happy, make him tension free all the time" Doctor shocks them and left.

They all enter the room and Mrs. Xinci strictly said,
"Yunlan, come with me" She angrily holds his hand and drags him out.

Mr. Shen sits and caresses his son's hair. "Shen Wei...... Shen Wei, my dear," He tries to control his tears.
"Our son will be good soon," Mr. Xinci said. He placed his hand at his brother's shoulder and hugged him. Zhujiu, look at Da "Drop her at home" Da said yes, and she silently left with him

Outside, Yunlan's mother was controlling her anger,
"How this happens and why you left him?"

"Mom, he has a new friend who is not good and teaching him wrong things. I ask him many times but he did not tell me. So I think to joke with him and I act that I am angry with him" Yunlan revealed

"So this is your right way of teaching him? Yunlan, he is not mature by mind to understand jokes like this. You know he is attached to you since his birth and your actions affects him" His mother said and Yunlan looks down.

"I am sorry mom" Yunlan apologizes

"Why you think we marry him with you, huh? You think only protection was the reason that we marry him in his young age? We are enough to protect him, Yunlan. We marry you both because you are his cure. You affects him in good and bad ways and you lands him in such condition where another problem is attached with an innocent child"

She stops speaking and Yunlan wipes his own tears.
"I am well aware about Hong and her behavior towards him. Now tell me what exactly happened at university and what Hong did with my Shen Wei? She asked again.

"This time it's not Hong who hurt him, mom. I hurt him" Yunlan said and hug his mother. She caresses his back.

"Mom, he asked me not to go with her and stay with him, but I scolded him and leaves him alone the first time in life,"

Yunlan broke the hug and looked at his mother.
"Yunlan you love Shen Wei,?" mother asked
"Mom I love him" Yunlan said,
"How much?" Mother asked again,
"More than my life mom" Yunlan replied,

"Then listen, if you love him and want to see him healthy, always pay attention to him. Do whatever he wants, except any safety matter issues...... always stay with him, always support him. If he don't want you to go to hong then don't go and if he don't like you with her then leave her for him"

She instructs, and her husband smiles, since he was listening to everything from the start

"Yunlan's son, she is the best mother-in-law in the world" Yunlan smiles and hugs his father

"I am Shen Wei's mother. I did not give birth to him, but I raised him with mother's love. I fed him my milk and I love him more than Yunlan and Lin. He is my son and if anyone try to harm my son, I will not leave him or her" She said and left

"I'm sorry dad" Yunlan hugged his father. "It's okay son, be careful because your mother look like your wicked mother-in-law"
He break the hug and kissed Yunlan's forehead.

Inside Zhujiu was sitting holding Shen Wei's hand when Mr. and Mrs. Zhu Ling comes running.

"Where is Shen Wei and what doctor said?" Mr. Zhu Ling ask. Wei's father told him everything and sit back.

"His fate is not good since his birth. Am I not a good father? I am unable to pay attention on my son's health" Mr. Shen holds the chair and sniffs when he controls his tears.

"You are the best father in the world, uncle. You know Shen Wei is our life. You know he is innocent and pure just because of you. He don't have blackness of this world. He is truly an angel and you pay good affection, attention on his upbringing" Said Yunlan,

"Yes uncle and illness is the part of our life we are here and soon we will make him healthy with our love" Zhujiu said,

"I'm sorry uncle I promise I will take care of him more than my life" Said Yunlan and Mr. Shen caresses their faces

ZhuLing and Xinci smile, listening to their sons. Xinci gets a call.
"Yes, Lin?"
"Dad, how is Shen Wei?" Lin sounds worried.
"He is fine now" Xinci told
"Me and Sang are coming," Lin said
"No, we are coming back in the evening. You stay with the girls," Xinci said, and Lin agreed.

After an hour, Wei slowly opened his eyes and smiled at his family
"Here wakes up our smart and brave boy" Zhujiu said and everyone looks at him.

Shen Wei smiles at everyone except Yunlan,
"Baby?" He tries to touch, but Wei calls his father close
"Papa Orange Juice" He ignores Yunlan and acts annoyed.

Mr. Shen help him to sit and Yunlan's mother comes with juice. She gives him and kissed his forehead.

"Baby, I am your mother, right?" She asked.
"Yes, mom" Shen Wei reply.
"Then you have to tell me everything which bothered you and don't keep anything in your mind or heart, okay?" She asked him.
"Yes, mom okay" Shen Wei nod
"So tell me what you want, huh?" She cupped his face

"Right now I don't want to stay in his room. I'm shifting back to Zhujiu ge's room"

Shen Wei said loudly pointing at Yunlan. "You can't baby.....Zhujiu will not let you enter his room," Yunlan confidently said,

"You can come baby. I will help you shift the luggage," Zhujiu smirked,
"Yes thank you, ge" Shen Wei smiled at him and glares at Yunlan,
"You can't do this baby," Yunlan protest and touched him.

"Don't touch me... mom!! I don't want him to touch me" Shen Wei whined. "Yunlan if he is saying then don't touch him. Just don't!!!" She said
"Mom..." Yunlan feels helpless and everyone smiles.
"Shut up!!!" She scolded him and Yunlan looks at his father.

Xinci shrugged his shoulders and everyone chuckles but Wei were sulking as like Yunlan



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