"You're not thinking that we're sindicate, are you?"

I was shock and chuckled. "Can you read minds?"

"Hazyyy?!" He flicked me again. "I'm not in a position to tell you. But we're not bad people like you're thinking hahaha! And as I always telling you, your father is very kind-"

"Okay okay, enough. So, can I atleast make a phone call outside without you?" I asked 'cause he's literally with me even if I'm using my phone to text or call someone.

"No, not there." He let out a deep sigh. "Stay here and don't go anywhere without me. Talk to them on call here in your parent's room. I'll give you space."

My face lit up. "Really??!!"

"Yeah. I'll be outside and call someone too hehe."

"Yey! Thank you." I smiled at him. He did too and leave the room.

I immediately took my phone and checks my inbox. Messages from Kenji and Annie inviting me to their place. Airon texted me too saying he's with his cousin, but that's not what I saw earlier. I stared at his message for long, thinking if I should call him or not. As I was about to tap the call button, someone chatted me. It was her, Chloe.

"Tss, when did she followed me on my social media." I don't want to open her message thinking it was only a threat about Airon but I got curious so I opened it. "What the .."

*Phone rings*

Airon is calling me and I answered it immediately to ask about that photo. I think this happened before, with Annie hahaha funny. "Airon."

["Babe! Thank god you answered."]

"Well, yeah. I don't know how much time I have to talk to you. I just asked Sean to leave me for a while." I said while rolling my eyes.

["Why do you sound mad? Did something happen?"]

"Nothing. I just saw a picture of three people having a lunch together. The girl is so close to the guy and his cousin."

["What? Babe, believe me, I told her not to come with me but she-"] his voice was cutted off by someone's voice on the other line. ["Airon! Let's go and buy ice cream!"]

Okay what the freak?! Is that Chloe? They're still together? Is Sean right? They'e having a date? "Seems like you're busy. Maybe I'll have to hang up now-"

["Wait Hazel! *sighs* Sorry, let's talk later."]

'He hanged up on me!?'

What the freaking freak!? He really did it before me? And he did that because of Chloe? Not cool. I put my phone on the table so I couldn't throw it. I sighed really deep not to lash out. Relax self, relax. Calm down, even if you are jealous you lost your right to tell him what to do the moment you broken up with him. He maybe still love you but he's free to be with any girl he wants. Right?

"But I can't take this." I stood up in anger and walks back and fort. "I'm sure it's not a date but still, he chose to hangs up on me to be with her and buy an ice freaking cream?!"

"Hahaha maybe they're dating now." I didn't noticed Sean leaning at the door. When did he came back? "I'm afraid to come closer to you right now. You look like you want to kill someone hahaha!"


"Relax Hazyyy. Sorry I didn't mean to hear that. But I think you need to calm down." He walks towards me and gave me an ... "Here. Eat some 'ice freaking cream' haha."

I nearly laugh at his face while copying me saying that words. I glared at him but grabbed the galon of ice cream. "Fine! Give me some time to calm down." I said and sat in the chair with a table and started to eat.

He sat in front of me. "So, what happened? I can listen to your rants."

I sighed after staring at him. "Oh really? Even if you knew that this is about Airon?"

"Yes. I will listen to you."

"No thanks-"

"You look like you're gonna explode hahaha you need to let it out, your anger."  He said, I don't know if he's joking or not.

"Hays. Do we really need to get married?" I asked straight.

But he doesn't look shock. "Hmm, can't tell. But for now, you need to be with me all the time hehe."

"Why? I won't run away just like his daughter. Unlike her, I need to do this for my parents sake."

"Don't worry. I'm sure everything's going to be alright in the end. Trust me." He smiled genuinely. This is real, the real Sean.

"No, it's not going to be alright if I will lose him completely. Sean .." my tears fell down again from my eyes. I think it's red now. "I love him."

"I know. But does he love you-"

"Yes! He loves me, I'm sure of that."

"Then why is he having a date with other girl?"

"He said she just forced herself to come, okay? I'm just so mad that he hanged up on me. What's wrong with him? I finally got a chance to call him without you around me."

"Hahaha meany. Anyway, stop crying. I hate seeing any girls crying in front of me." Sean said and gave me tissue.

"But I'm jealous. What if-"

"If he really love you, he will wait for you." Sean.

"W-what do y-you mean?"

"I don't want to tell you anything 'cause your father's gonna kill me hahaha but .. if I say something, will you promise not to tell him that I tells you?" Sean.


"And maybe this will stop you from doing what you're planning to do."

"R-Really? Yea, I promise I won't tell anyone! Just please tell me something." My heart is racing, nervous and excited for what he is about to say. Is this it? Am I gonna know the truth?

He sighed. "Just one thing. We're not really in an arrange marriage."

My eyes widened. "W-What?"

"But this doesn't mean that you can go all around your lovey and get back to him. You really need to be with me, all the time."

"Please, tell me everything."

"I'm here to protect you not to marry you. We, along with your father are protecting you and your family. We need you to get away from your boyfriend so they'll not get involve. You did the right thing, breaking up with him."

I'm still confused. "Why? Protecting us from who?"

"That's it for this time. Don't tell your father about this okay?"

"What? You just confused me more. You made me more curious! What about his daughter? Where is she? And what does my brother know about this?"

"Hmm, I can't tell about your brother either. Listen Hazyyy, you don't need to know everything now. I just told you we're not getting to marry so you can feel a little better. But please, don't try to get close to him if you really love him, okay?"

"But Sean! Can't you see? She's stealing him from me! Chloe is making a way to-"

"You said he love you. Can't you trust him?"

"I trust him. But not her."

"Well, it's his choice. Don't worry, I'm here to catch you." He said and winked at me.

I can't help but to laugh. "Hahaha no way-"

"Wait! Someone's calling me." He said and took his phone. Then he suddenly froze and looks scared.

"Who is that?"

"My ex-girlfriend."


Love At Third SightHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin