Chapter 7 | The Ruins of Cobblestone

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"A-Amara." The teen says quickly, trying to make sure her shaky voice doesn't mix up her speech.

"But... that can't be right..." Gemma frowns and looks at Amara with a confused expression. "Oh, wait! I get it! That's not your name! You mean you're looking for her, right? She went to look for Chalky. Come on, follow me!" Amara didn't have the heart to correct the six-year-old girl. The teen simply just nodded along and started following Gemma, and the Luminary was unaware of how fast her heart was beating, just hearing her grandfather's name. Would she finally be able to meet him? Amara's eyes watered at the thought.

Amara lightly jogged to keep up with Gemma's fast running pace, as she didn't want to seem rude and run around. Because she knew exactly where their destination was. There could only be one place that Chalky could be found, and that was at his favorite place.

The path the two girls took were exactly what Amara thought they'd be, going through Cobblestone, taking a left at the fork in the road, and walking till they reach the large lake at the bottom of the hill. There was a fishing jetty for citizens to do a spot of fishing if they ever beat Chalky of course. This was his favorite place, of course.

When Gemma and Amara reach the two figures at the jetty, Amara immediately recognises them as her grandfather, Chalky, and what appears to be her younger self. Mini-Amara had shoulder length brown hair, just as she had it now, but the younger girl had her hair tied up roughly in a short ponytail. She wore a long blue tunic that almost reached her sand brown boots, and it was fastened with a dark brown belt. The end of the belt was folded into itself. She had a mint green long sleeve under her tunic and had darker green pants on. It was basically just a smaller version of Amara's attire before she left for Heliodor.

Chalky however was wearing a green and white striped tunic, with an orange strip of cloth tied around his waist. He wore baggy black pants underneath and had another orange piece of cloth wrapped gently around his neck.

"Hey, Grandad! Can I borrow your ladder? The wind blew Gemma's scarf off and now it's stuck up a tree!" Mini Amara says to Chalky.

"Ho ho ho ho! Well, we can't be having that now, can we? Let me go and find it for you. ...Hm?" As Gemma and the teen walk up to the two on the jetty, Chalky looks up, and Mini-Amara turns around. Gemma's the first to speak.

"We don't need the ladder anymore! That nice lady over there got my headscarf down for me! She said she was looking for you. Is she a friend of yours?" The little girl speaks to the other girl.

Mini Amara looks at the grown Amara with careful eyes for a few seconds, leaving the luminary feeling a little weird in the stomach.

Amara then turns back to Gemma and says, "Nope! I've never even seen her before." She says simply. As the two little girls start whispering to each other, Chalky says in a much louder voice,

"I think it might be me she's looking for, you know. Why don't you two run along and play, and leave us grown-ups to talk?" He says in his signature kind voice. Amara and Gemma nod and run off in the direction of Cobblestone, leaving only Chalky and his granddaughter left.

"Well, well, well... It's... you, isn't it?" Chalky says with teary eyes. Amara nods, her expression almost the same. "Ho ho ho ho! I knew it! I've known you since you were a baby, after all! I knew it was you right away! But you don't look too happy, my lass. Care to tell your old grandad what's on your mind?" He says with kind eyes.

Amara looks away for a second, then opens her mouth to speak. "Well, after I left Cobblestone, under Amber's word, I reached Heliodor. I thought it would be easy, I'd go to the king, show him this pendent," She stops briefly to show Chalky the emerald pendant hanging off her neck, "and it'd go from there. But it took the worst turn. King Carnelian mistook me for the Darkspawn and sent me to the deepest depths of Heliodor Castle's dungeons. I thought I was done for, till I met this guy, Erik. He helped me escape, and then we tried to find our way back here." Amara finishes, and her last words make her remember about her faithful companion. Come to think of it, she hadn't seen him for a while. The realization makes her frown.

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