Chapter 8 | The Princess of Dundrasil

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"My dearest darling baby girl, when finally, you come to read this, I will almost certainly be long dead."


"You see, not long after you were born, our beloved kingdom of Dundrasil was attacked by an army of monsters. I was forced to flee with you in my arms and expended the last of my strength in ensuring that you escaped to safety. If you are fortunate enough to have been found by some kindly soul, you must seek out the King of Heliodor when you come of age. Our kingdom and his have long enjoyed close relations, and your father and I would trust him with our lives. Never forget, my daughter - you are the Princess of the kingdom of Dundrasil. But more than that... you are the Luminary. Yours is a weighty burden indeed. It is you who must stand against the darkness and banish it from our world. In time, you will come to understand. It breaks my heart to leave you, my darling, but it is the only way. I only hope that one day... you will learn to forgive me..."

Amara finishes reading, her voice growing softer and more delicate with every word that rolled off her tongue. She was certain it was from her mother, her real mother, the Queen of Dundrasil. If what this letter has is true, then King Carnelian wasn't in his right mind.

"It's from someone important to you, right? Your mother or something? Don't worry—you can tell me about it later. What about the other one?" Erik says, crouching down to her height, and putting a gentle hand on her shoulder. She nods silently and picks the next letter up. This one looked a little fresher, and in messier handwriting.

"To my dearest granddaughter, I haven't the foggiest how you managed it, but I met your future self today. As promised, I've buried some things here that will help you on your way. Have you read your mother's letter yet? It was in your basket with you when I first found you. It was because of that letter that I asked my Amber to send you to see the King when the time came. I only wish I'd known how things would turn out... I don't know why Dundrasil was attacked, or why King Carnelian thinks so badly of you. I'm just an ignorant old man from a little village in the country. But I do know that the answers are out there somewhere. The Keystone in this box will open the Door of Departure off to the east. You must go out into the world and seek the truth. Remember, now. Don't waste your time bearing grudges, and live life with love in your heart.

"All the best... now and forever... Grandad."

A few teardrops stain the crusty note, falling from Amara's emotional eyes. "I... can't believe this." She whispers, her words falling upon deaf ears. Erik was more fascinated by the Keystone that now sat in her hand.

"So, we use the Keystone to open the Door of Departure and head out into the world, huh?" He muses, earning a taught nod from the Luminary. "Sounds easy enough. You better believe I'm coming with you!" She smiles slightly, and wipes her eyes, before standing up and facing the Thief completely.

"Thank you, Erik. For everything." She smiles at him, eliciting a blush to creep up on the older one's face.

"I-It's no problem at all." He waves her statement off, briskly turning away. He didn't know what had just came over him. "Anyways, you said it was just east of here, right?" She nods again. "Well—what are we waiting for?" He says, as airheaded as always.

Amara facepalms herself, before pointing in the direction of the Kingsbarrow. "Oh, I know what we're waiting for—I've got some unfinished business to attend to: the Orb! Thanks for reminding me, O'Luminary." He elbows her side in a joking manner.

"Call me that again, and you'll find your dagger shoved up your ass." She says briskly, her eyes casting a glare over in his direction. He put his hands up in surrender, trying to contain his laughter.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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