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Ella's outfit for the game in the media. IF IT LOADS IDK WHY IT HASNT BEEN

"It is way too early for me to awake." I complained to Joe and Andrew as we were driving to the airport.

We were currently sat in the back of a cab, at five in the morning, on our way to the airport.

The team was flying to Pittsburgh because they had the wild card game in two days.

We all wanted to get there a day early to spend time admiring the town. Although, everyone there probably didn't want us to be walking around their town at the moment.

But, we didn't care. We cared about each other and that's all that mattered, besides winning the wild card game.

"Stop complaining. We have to do this so much Ella." Andrew groaned, rubbing his eyes for like the fourth time in the last minute.

"Yes I know. I usually come with you, Andrew." I said, glaring at him from my position on Joe.

We got to the airport and I paid the cab driver as the boys got our bags from the trunk.

I went back and kissed Joe's cheek, who gave a tired smile in return. It had only been like ten hours since their last game, and they were awake for most of them.

I felt sorry for them. I had packed before I went to their game, so I got a few more hours of sleep.

I had packed some for them, but I didn't know exactly what they needed, so I couldn't pack all of it.

Anyways, I grabbed my suitcase from Joe's and rolled it with one hand, Joe holding the other.

We got to where the rest of the boys were and they all gave tired smiles.

We all quickly boarded the plane, everyone trying to get comfortable before the flight.

I lifted the armrest up that separated Joe from me, and laid my head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on top of my head.

I pulled a blanket over us and shut my eyes, mostly everyone else doing the same.

*three hours later*

I woke up about three quarters through the flight to see mostly everyone still sleeping. I yawned and rubbed my face before grabbing my phone and scrolling through my Instagram for a while.

I felt Joe stirring and I turned to my left to she his eyelids fluttering open, revealing his chocolate brown eyes that I've come to love.

"Good morning, handsome." I said, twirling his brown hair around my fingers.

"Morning beautiful." He said, leaving a short kiss on my lips.

"Did you sleep good?" I asked, setting my phone down next to me.

"I guess." He yawned. "Are we almost there?" He rubbed his eyes.

"Yeah. About another hour." I said and he nodded, going back to sleep.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head, returning my attention back to my phone.


*next afternoon*

"Ella," I turned around to see Joe standing there with his game pants on but no jersey. "Have you seen my jersey?"

"Yea, it's right here." I brought it over to him and he slipped it over arms, buttoning it up while I finished putting on my face.

"You know, you don't need to wear all that makeup. It's just a game." Joe said, coming up and sitting on the bathroom counter next to me.

"Yeah I know. But I gotta show all those Pirates fans that Giants gamer babes are the hottest around." I said, smiling at him. He laughed.

"You definitely are the hottest around." He said, kissing me.

"No. I'm the hottest around." We both turned our heads to see Andrew standing there.

"Whatever floats your boat." I said, looking back in my mirror to finish getting ready.

After I finished getting ready, we all left for the field. We got there and I gave Joe a kiss goodbye and wished the boys good luck before the girls and I left for our seats.

We got there, and talked a while before all the Pirates fans got there. They were... intimidating nonetheless.

They were all dressed in black and yellow, and much bigger than us. Just the way they presented themselves was scaring me. Besides the fact that there were like, at the most, thirty Giants fan in the whole park.

The girls and I were sat at the end of the Giants dugout, and were banging on the wall along with the rest of the of the park.

Screaming whenever a Giant came up to bat, caused the Pirates fans around us to become aggravated. Like we cared, we were cheering for our team just like they were.

"Let's go Bummy!" I cupped my hands around my mouth to make me sound louder.

We banged on the wall, shouting and cheering on our boys.

After three scoreless innings for both teams, the crowd was still going wild.

When Hunter came up to bat, I could barely hear myself think, it was so loud.

Looking at the concentration in his face gave me hope. He was determined to make this at-bat count. And he did just that, he hit a single.

Then, Pablo did the same, filling two of the three bases. I could feel my hands tingling, I was so nervous.

"Let's go Baby Giraffe!" I screamed and banged on the wall along with the rest of the girls.

Ball one.

Ball two.

Strike one.

Ball three.

Ball four.

We let out a sigh of relief and instantly took it back when Brandon Crawford came up to the plate.

I held my my intertwined hands up to my mouth, watching intently as the pitcher threw his pitches.

The first one he threw was a ball. And then and strike, then another ball.

He threw the next pitch and Brandon made contact. My eyes followed the ball, praying that it would at least bring in a few runs.

Watching it carry and carry, I felt myself growing more anxious. When it left the park, you just heard the crowd silence.

But then you heard the Giants. Whether it be the players or the fans, but that's all you heard. The Pirates fans had gone completely silent.

The rest of the game they were silent. Mainly because Bummy had pitched a shutout game and we added on four more runs.

After the game, the girls and I had gone down to the locker room to celebrate with the boys.

I walked in last to hear Hunter Pence giving a speech. I walked up behind Joe right as Hunter finished, the boys chugging beer and spraying champagne everywhere.

I poked Joe's back and he spun around to face me, his goggles making his face look funny.

I pulled his face down and kissed him, pulling away for air.

I looked around at the rest of the boys, seeing them all watching us.

I took a deep breath before looking at Bochy and pointing at him.

"The Giants are back bitches!" I screamed before another round of champagne showers came down around me.


Did you guys enjoy my fast update??😏😏😏

Not really sure if the media will show bc it hasn't been lately. THANK YOU WATTPAD FOR BEING SUCKY😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

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