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Country: Greenland/Kalaallisut Capital: Nuuk

Human Name: Malik Petersen

Country Age: still exists founded: 17th century

Human Age: 20

Gender: Male (he/him)

Appearance: He has black hair and dark brown eyes. Along with tan skin. He's 159cm tall and weighs 66kg.

On his right thigh, he has a birthmark in the shape of a triangle with rounded edges, to represent the Ilulissat Icefjord. He also has stretchmarks on his torso, to represent the Northern Lights/Aurora Borealis. Along with with a polar bear tattoo, because of the polar bears there, because there aren't that many left (it's also because of a stereotype). Also, he has a hairclip, representing the Uunartoq Hot Springs.

Clothes: His traditional men's clothing is a white tunic sewn of silk, satin, canvas, or wool(which is rarer). This sometimes has a hood or embellished breast pockets. Which he does wear. He wears black, green, or blue pants and kamiks, that sometimes have a single cuff of embroidery. He lives further north, so he has fox-skin pants, a black seal-skin collar and white long kamik boots, sometimes made of polar bear skin. When hunting he wears a very thick coat, with a fluffy rim, along with fitting pants. Along with his usual boots.

Personality: He's organised, but not the most punctual person. He's careful about his actions and puts a lot of thought into them, as he basically had to be, in order to survive. Nowadays it is much easier, but has kept his same aproach to life. He has a very easy time staying calm as well and has a resting neutral face. He's a loner and rather isolated, due to his country's history. However, he acts friendly towards others. Even though he doesn't like others company that much and would prefer to be completely alone. He hates physical touch and will accidentally punch someone if they touch him and he's quite afraid of hugs. Along with that, he has a hard time interpreting others emotions, or dealing with his own. He's also insecure about himself, specifically what he says and does, but not so much his appearance, as he doesn't care about that at all with anyone and doesn't judge others. He's also rather tolerant of others identities and lifestyles, but not if their lifestyle hurts others (for example if they like whale hunting, he cannot stand them, but doesn't mind fishers as long as they don't overfish).

He likes to daydream, which often can last hours and isn't a good thing as it prevents him from getting food on certain days and often interrupts his daily life.

He goes fishing and hunting for his own food, as he lives a bit further from any citys, in the north, so that he couldn't just go there for food. He loves dogs and sports, like football (as in soccer), skiing and tae kwon doe. As he loves just doing any sort of physical activity. Also table tennis, handball, batminton, volleyball and painting, which he doesn't do often, as these are only minor hobbies. He loves the cold, as it's very cold where he lives. He's happy every time he sees a polar bear, as they are quite rare. He likes his traditional culture, along with modern technology. He keeps a rather good mix between the two. He gets excited for new advencements that further help humanity, though focuses on the present rather than the future or past.

Naturally he doesn't like very hot places, as he isn't used to them and if it gets to a certain amount of heat, has extreme trouble breathing. Though just doesn't like the sun in general, as snow is reflective, which makes it hard to look at anything outside at certain times.

He has six huskies he uses for dogsletting and just as pets.

Likes: the snow, the cold, nature, sports, his countries traditional culture, dogs,

Dislikes: socalizing/having company, hugs, the heat, the sun, as it's very bright on the snow,

Hobbies: fishing, football (aka soccer), skiing, tae kwon doe, table tennis, handball, batminton, volleyball, soapstone carving, sailing, kayak building, drum dancing, hunting, dogsletting, painting,

Birthday: June 21 (national day)

State flower: Dwarf fireweed

Family/Relationships: Grennland is related to Denmark, in the sense of, they're siblings.

Denmak: They don't really get along, because of Denmark controlling him for so long and Greenland wanting his independence. But they're getting on better terms as Greenland accepts the benefits of being with Denmark.

Norway: They're on friendly terms, but very rarely see each other.

Iceland: They're on rather good tearms aswell and even consider each other friends.

Canada: They get along nicely and are good friends. But Greenland, like everyone else, forgets that he exists.

Side Information: He can speak Kalaallisut, Danish and English. 

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