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Country: Kazakhstan

Official Name: Republic of Kazakhstan/Қазақстан Республикасы/Республика Казахстан

Capital: Astana (previously known as Akmolinsk, Tselinograd, Akmola, and most recently Nur-Sultan)

Government: Unitary dominant-party presidential republic

Human Name: Talgat Kenes

Exists since: 1465 (Kazakh Khanate)

Human Age: 25

Gender: Male (he/him)


He has short, straight, black hair, along with blue eyes, representing the big Almaty Lake and Lake Balkhash each. He has rather pale, dry skin, with five different red-ish spots, representing the Charyn Canyons red sandstone (the place is also called the Valley of Castles, the Devils Gorge or the Ghosts Gorge). He is 175cm tall and weighs 77kg.

His back has a couple of birthmarks, representing the Valley of Balls. Along with a birthmark on his chin, representing the Mount of Sherkala. He has a patch on his skin that is discoloured which represents Ile-Alatau. Alongside that, he has a birthmark on his left hand, representing Tamgaly Tas.

Scars: He has a scar on his back from the Kazakh War of Independence. Along with that, he has three small scars on his left arm from the 3 Kazakh-Uzbek Wars. He also has a scar on his forehead from the Kazakh-Russian border conflict. Also, he has a couple of scars on his left leg from the Kazakh-Kyrgyz Wars. Another scar on his upper arm that he has is from the Kenesary's Rebellion. He has a scar on his chest from the Central Asian Revolt of 1916. Along with a scar on his right arm from the Battle of Uralsk. On his left upper thigh he has a larger scar from the Kengir Uprising. He also has another scar on his back from the Russian uprisings in the West and North of Kazakhstan.

Clothes: He tends to wear a sturdy shirt and comfortable pants, in neutral colours, alongside a traditional belt and a couple of handmade bracelets. As well as durable dress shoes or boots, depending on the temperature. He dresses up more for formal events, but his casual attire could suffice for such events as well. Also, he likes to wear a scarf in the colder months. His formal outfit usually is a suit with traditional embroidery.


He has a more expressive lifestyle, but only with the things he wants others to see. He's rather unsociable and doesn't talk to strangers unless necessary. But he's friendly to guests and tourists, though values family (which includes his dog) over most other things. Along with that, he has a good sense of unity within himself and feels very connected to his people. Whenever his friends come to visit he always covers the table in food for them and gives them tea. He loves to joke around most of the time as well but doesn't like irony as he struggles to understand when someone's being ironic. He also is rather blunt and direct. As well as brutally honest on purpose. He's always thorough when explaining things, which annoys others, as his answers to simple questions can last up to hours. He's rather materialistic and loves showing off. Also, he feels insecure about his public appearance/image and struggles to love himself. He has trouble saving money as well, though he has quite a bit regardless. He's not very punctual and usually doesn't make an appointment even when it's mandatory as he likes to be spontaneous. He hates having to wait as well, which is the reason for him being unpunctual. Though he is rather hardworking if required. Along with that, he isn't the most organized person, can easily get sidetracked and is quite impatient. He also likes to take risks every once in a while, especially while exploring. He's definitively a realist. He has a strong dislike for imagining the future and instead focuses on the present and, very rarely, the past. Also, he dislikes not being in control and values his freedom above all else. He is very smart due to his country being rapidly developing. He's also very intrigued by controversy.

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